10/17 17:50:27 [I]> Inventory: 8 used 1*1 spaces.
10/17 17:51:12 [E]> Failed to return back in town using Town Portal.
10/17 17:51:12 [E]> Function TOWNTP failed.
10/17 17:51:12 [W]> Sequence exit required. SEQ3 => FUNC:TOWNTP . 0 . 0
10/17 17:51:13 [E]> Failed or Fast exit required while applying CL_Sorc_BackA5Town sequence.
10/17 17:51:14 [I]> ==> Cycle: 1 => Run: 1 : Game duration: 49.4 seconds.
10/17 17:51:14 [E]> Emergency stop: first run creation failed.
10/17 17:51:14 [I]> The first run must return successful status everytime.
i killed pindle then i tpd back to town and then it moved the mouse around the tp a few times then quit.