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Thread: bi-tree sorc

  1. #1

    Default bi-tree sorc

    I am thinking about making a fire/blizz sorceress where should i put my skills to? I made one before but i can not remeber where i put them

  2. #2


    well assumeing that you want fireball not meteor and your playing in softcore I'd max bliz, glacier spike, 10 points in cold mastery (much beyond that with items is pointless since max -resist is -100) max fireball and fire mastery, 1 point es/ts/tp/static/remainder in fire tree for added bonus or ice tree dependant on which one you want to be stronger.

  3. #3


    why do fb/blizz when you can do fb/orb.. much better

  4. #4
    I own you 24/7 style. Loits's Avatar
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    Do orb instead of blizz, a lot less skill points are needed for it. Personally i would max out cold mastery. A lot of monsters in hell have high resists therefore the only way to get them to -100 is to have a lot of points in cold mastery. Your damage increases if monsters have negative resists.

  5. #5


    LOL! The idea to do a blizz/fire sorc is the dumbest idea I've ever heard. A fb sorc has to max fire baal, fire bolt and the mastery and a blizz sorc has to max blizz glacial spike ice blast and this kinda cute little spike which is the syngergie for orb....

  6. #6


    The reason you use blizz instead of orb is because blizz is still about 4x stronger then orb without any synragies, works MUCH better for takeing down boss's and in softcore you don't bother takeing down groups of guys (its not like dieing matters) you want to kill meph you tp down and moat him with blizzard (very fast) Orb isn't long enough to moat and he moves around to much for fireball. you run in to a fire immune group baaling (assumeing your solo'ing) instead of takeing 4 or 5 orbs it takes 1 blizzard to kill them. (possibly you could argue that its hard to hit moveing monsters with blizzard, GLACIAL SPIKE IS THERE FOR A REASON. freeze then blizzard, thats why I suggest putting spare points in glacial spike over other synragies) I can't think of one situation orb is more useful (ok there is pking but if he wants a pk build then he should ask for it).

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