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  1. #1

    Default 1.10 MA assassin?!

    I'm starting the game with MA assassin. I though to build a very fast character.
    My idea is to max Claw Mastery, Tiger S, Venom. I'm thinking about putting some 10 into BoS. I don't know if to play with double claw or shield/claw. Heard that double claw block blocks elemental attacks? But I can put resist all runes/gems into the shield.
    Stat pts would be something like
    STR 100
    DEX 100+
    VIT rest
    EN none
    Are there in Hell any both poison and physical imunes?
    Please comment 'cause I don't want to waste my time if it's not worth it.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Durance of Hate lvl 3, being mobed by pixies


    Why don't you have a look at the sticky at the top of the page?

  3. #3
    Forum Elder
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Orlando, Florida


    if u want to make an ma asn then max claw mastery and venom and shadow warrior/or master. then get chaos(ww) and fury. for armor use enigma and helm shako. gloves should be dracs, belt verdungos, rings 2ravens, ammy maras/cats eye, boots waterwalk. if ur fighting a sorc, use nats set instead of fury enigma and shako. put 1 pt in dragon flight cuz u cant tele w/o enigma. another armor u could use is bramble, but i like enigma better for str, skills, and r/w and tele of course

    i dont know if a shadow warrior will ww if u set ur left click to it. never tried

  4. #4


    LOL! You guys make it sound like its so easy to get..... I am going to make martial arts assassin too, but im not that rich, you should scale it down for people who don't live on the computer....

  5. #5


    don't max weapon block? it has a hidden phys dmg reduction.. 20% at lvl 20 it's always handy cuz it's passive... and max venom? why not use rare 393% ed war fists w/%chance to cast amp... (i have a sum lol ) 20ias too... nat fire dmg but no psn..-_- then you could really actually kill shit w/claws... use the 2x claw finishing move... dragon claw or w/e...

  6. #6
    Forum Elder
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    on the streets wandering about



    i would be glad to give u some assa stuff if i had doubles but sadly i dont i was hacked once and s/he took my tucs and nat set

  7. #7


    Dang..... LoL but yea, im sooo poor.

  8. #8
    Forum Elder
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Orlando, Florida


    those claws must do like 250 dmg. but fury isnt much less but the 66% chance for open wounds is really good. i dont think ias matters if u ww, but its gonna be hard to get max ias with only 20 on ur claws if use the 2x claw finishing move

  9. #9
    Forum Elder
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Orlando, Florida


    if u cant afford chaos, use btucs which r very easy to get. just do a hellforge and trade the rune for it, if its not that good. if u want to use nats set, i have everything but claw i could give u, the armor is 1.10 and is still unid, the helm and boots r 09. ravenfrosts r pretty cheap too unless u want some perfect ones. ik boots and gloves give some pretty good +stats and r cheap. i might have some bartucs u could hve, i have to check tho

  10. #10


    oh man, thanks so much! im on USeast ladder.

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