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  1. #101
    The Immortals FraterPerdurabo's Avatar
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    Sep 2005


    Quote Originally Posted by ArcaneSupremacy
    ...Exactly the same way? Hitler hated Jews, and I never said that I hated anyone. I stated that what those people do is annoying, but not hateful. The other big difference is that my generalizations are towards my own kind.
    It's not whether Hitler hated jews or not, it's whether he generalized them or not.

  2. #102


    hmm... i've never met a canadian that was mad because i'm an american...

    i dunno maybe its because we don't have the good maple syrup... *dools*

  3. #103
    Forum Elder ArcaneSupremacy's Avatar
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    BC, Canada


    Quote Originally Posted by Blueballsofsteal
    If we are talking about stereotypes, lets talk about how Canadiens stereotype Americans. Boy most canadiens hate us! Race is not an issue in this type of stereotype either, just the word American sets it off.
    Perhaps it's because Americans started by stereotyping Canadians as people who wear tuques, live in igloos, and say "aboot"? I wasn't here when it all started, but that's just a guess.

    Quote Originally Posted by FraterPerdurabo
    It's not whether Hitler hated jews or not, it's whether he generalized them or not.
    It was the hatred that led to the genocide, not the generalizations. There's nothing wrong with generalizing people if it doesn't hinder your ability to be peaceful and cooperative with them. Other races have long considered us Asians to be short people with squinty eyes and small reproductive organs. I have nothing against that as long as it doesn't get out of hand.

  4. #104
    I'm Delicious! DaCougarMech's Avatar
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    watching you through a hole in your ceiling


    hmm. ive never met a canadian who hated americans. french citizens hate us for sure but the canadians i know are pretty cool

  5. #105
    Jenova Clone SpoonMan999's Avatar
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    Canadians booed our national anthem at a baseball game a couple of years ago.

    "I'm not a geek, I'm just coolness challenged."

  6. #106
    Bachelor of Science
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    I don't remember the booage but Canadians are pretty much the same as Americans. We just cross the border and were there. I never had a problem with anyone from Canada. I had a lot of problems with African Americans on the other hand. It seems that everywhere I go they go and mug me. Even for a measly $2.

  7. #107


    Quote Originally Posted by In[F]ec[T]eD
    This is to whoever is *****ing about mexicans "taking jobs" from Americans.
    If a Mexican who just crossed the border and has no real knowledge about the english language is taking YOUR job you should really do some serious thinking. Get your heads out of your asses and start working because you already have a huge advantage over Mexicans. Some people just don't realize that America is one of the only countries where you can be 40, fat, ugly, and still live with your mom and make millions of dollars off some sucky ass invention by getting bums like most of you to buy it. Peace Out. Black Power.
    You are a flaming imbecile. Illegal immigrants get jobs easier because they will WORK FOR LESS. Wow. Difficult concept for you to comprehend. And no one cares about your racist Black Power movement. Its a pathetic waste of time, and anyone who believes in any white/black/purple/blue power movement should see nothing but my smiling face with their blood on it before they die.

    Quote Originally Posted by ZiVixx
    screw u guys.... i have so many black friends ppl think that they do bad stuff and shyt .... if ur smart u could see that 3/4 of the black population goes to church so black ppl are people to....
    Going to church has nothing to do with a person's character. You must be one of those people who sees someone who calls them self religious and automatically labels the entire religion as "hypocritical."

    Quote Originally Posted by Deadlyy-Guy
    *is still waiting for liddo to PM me his address.

    and NO. it is NOT stereotypical of mexicans to drive those cars. most mexicans that drive lowrider cars do so because thats what's popular in their area. you'll find just as many white's and blacks driving the same customized cars and trucks depending on the area. And the spend alot of money fixing those vehicles up to get noticed. its people like you who don't understand why they do it so you ***** about it like a ****ing retard. hell i've owned 6 vehicles since i was 16 and everyone one of them had 1) a LOUD ****ing system. 2) Some type of suspension modification. 3) hundreds of little things i don't want to list.

    here's MY point. don't open your mouth unless you've researched the topic you are about to talk about.

    and don't EVER argue with me about custom vehicles.
    Wow, want a cookie? So you're one of those idiots who thinks everyone wants to hear that annoying noise you call rap vibrating the windows? I guess you also leave your oil pans sitting on the railroad tracks (that you have to go up and over) and then wondered wtf just happened. Oh and those wheels keep spinning when you stop. Awesome! You are the bomb man! Go take your ass ugly car and scrap that crap. Its hideous.

    So far we got some idiots, but not enough for some real The spicy italian sandwich from Subway. 2 layers of salami and Pepperoni topped off with 4 slices of american cheese. Put a little mayo on there, some lettuce, tomatoes, and black olives, and you've almost got yourself a sandwich. Next, have them cover the sandwich in salt and pepper, then spray some oil and vinegar over the top, wrap it up and there's dinner. I think we can all give thanks for a sandwich that good. mmmmm mmmmm
    Last edited by Eversor; 01-18-2006 at 04:11 PM.

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