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  1. #1

    Default smiter pala help

    hi all i have a questing i gonne make a smiter pala but whats the best weapon and gear to youse my gear now is

    and mara

    someone can help me witch better gear to youse tnx

  2. #2


    should post in char builds forum but anyway. Swap the botd for a grief phase blade and the dream for either a crown of ages, shako or a Guillaume's Face. If your going to wear an exile swap the dracs with either steelrends or laying of hands

  3. #3


    Stone for the CoH
    Grief for the Ebotd
    Verdungos for the Spider
    Bloodfists for the Dracs
    Shako for the Dream

  4. #4


    tnx alot guy's but this is my quasting now i loook at grief but whats so damm good about it :P

  5. #5


    360-400 added damage. This isnt aded to the weapon its added directly to your attack before its multiplied by fana and smite. It has the potential to add huge ammounts of damage.

  6. #6
    Forum Elder
    Join Date
    Sep 2005


    yeah plus the greif has ignore target defence and increased attack speed and a few more good mods. smite also has alot of hidden damage so with normal gear you will on see like 2.5 k damage smite which will more or less equal around 10k damage you have to take base damage and add all you ed damage etc although smiters are bada$$.

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