I just have a quick question as to the vaule of keys. I want to know how many Terror Keys = D Keys, how many Hate keys = d keys and destruction keys and so on... can somone varify this for me, thanks alot.
I just have a quick question as to the vaule of keys. I want to know how many Terror Keys = D Keys, how many Hate keys = d keys and destruction keys and so on... can somone varify this for me, thanks alot.
well hate keys seem to be the easiest to get you prolly already know they drop from the summoner and he dropes them alot somtimes he dropes like 2 or 3 keys. I want to say 3 hate keys = 1 destruction key since there most common terro keys are hard for me to get i can do numerious countress runs and never have a single on drop. And niklatec how ever you spell it drop dest keys for me every few runs although dest seems to be worth alot more. I would have to say you can sometimes trade a terror for dest key most of the time but I figure people will want I would say 2 terror for dest key. Well sorry i couldnt help you more.
keys drop hell diff only right? and must you have beaten hell 1st or no?
you dont have to beat hell dif no. And yes key's only drop in hell on 3 bosses.
hate key = summoner in arcane act2 terror key = countress in forgotten tower act1 black marsh destruction = nikaltec in act5 anya's portal after you rescue anya.
i dont know what realm you guys are on, but on East Ladder, it's 3 keys for a d key. 3t, 3h, or a combination of the two. once you earn 3 sets, you change them into organs, and you can trade the organ sets for ist.
it all depends on who u find to trade i got 5 t keys for my 1 dkey once
but usually u can get 2-3 h or t keys for 1 dkey
yeah like i dont urn nilithak i just run summoner really quick and trade off numerouis keys for 1. But sometimes you can find good deals if people really want your key. like i traded a hate key for a destruction key the other day. But ussually 2h=1t or 2-3h=1d 1-2t=1d 2keysets=1soj or sometimes 3keysets=2sojs I've gotten an um rune for 1 keyset though but ussually they're worth trading together.
As long as darkness flows through my veins, I will never cease, As long as my dreams still haunt me, I will never show mercy, and as long as evil lives I will never die.....
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