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  1. #1

    Default Question on weapon switch!

    I have sorceress, and well one of her weapon sets is killing and one if for mf (ali baba - rhyme). Does mmbot have any feature where she can switch weapons before pindle is dead. I was thinking of having the script press w before pindle is dead, but how can i detect if pindle is low on health? What if she fails before the runs ends and she doesn't hit w, then at the begining of the next run she hits w to move back to her standard weapons but in actuality she switches it to the mf gear because she failed to early the round before. This gets far too complicated for thine own. Is there a feature built in? and how about this

    ; * Char_MercWeaponSwitch => Will switch merc weapon when resurrect (infinity!)

    I still haven't figured this out. Is it some kind of weapon switch? Why would you switch your mercs weapon? Infinity? what?

    If someone could help me it would be greatly apprciated .

  2. #2


    Quote Originally Posted by coldfire444

    ; * Char_MercWeaponSwitch => Will switch merc weapon when resurrect (infinity!).
    ok just so you know, infinity is a merc weapon which has conviction aura (makes immunes no longer immune) but the aura doesnt always load so the bot switches the weapon (by clicking on it and then clicking again) and the aura comes back.

    As for your previous question, it wouldnt be impossible but it would be pointless, the time it takes to switch and kill for perhaps 50% more mf isnt worth it. Just kill with your normal set up

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