The Lo rune, my friends has been a mystery to me for quite some time. For such a powerful rune, it has seemingly disappeared off the face of this Earth. Now some of you will say that the runeword Doom makes the Lo rune important. However most dooms I bet were ebayed and then traded, etc. Find me a game which asks for a Lo rune in 1.1 and I will give you a nickel. Heh, for god's sake people, the Lo rune has to make some sort of comeback. It adds 5 to maximum lightning resist. Now who here can tell me that won't **** off the Trap Assasins of nowadays. Imagine full resists and a 4 socket monarch with 4 Lo runes...My good people, my demand is simple. I want to see the Lo rune become another Cinderalla story. Slaving infront of her sisters: Zodette, Istiana, and Ohmara. The Lo will rise to the true glory it deserves when taken to the ballroom by Mr. 4 Sockeet Monarch or whatever "knight in shining armor" you see fit.
GO LO!!!!!!!!!!!!! :