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  1. #1

    Default d2jsp 1.10 patch gateway problem

    I have problem and i need your help LORDS :-)!
    sometimes my d2jsp have problem with connect to bnet (but it's not official server). He is working working working and .... crash? In bot menu i see gateway selecting or something like this. I must kill and start it again when it's happen
    If it's night or i'm in far far away... i can't restart it!!! :/
    Is there any trick to repair this? I can't use bot at night
    Thx 4 help.

  2. #2


    Here's some help. Stop botting. It ruins bnet.

  3. #3
    The Immortals FraterPerdurabo's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2005


    Quote Originally Posted by mapy
    Here's some help. Stop botting. It ruins bnet.
    Here's some advice for you. Look at the section of the forum that you are posting in and shut the hell up. Also, I think that he mentioned that he's not botting on bnet.

    As for the problem, sorry, I have no idea.

  4. #4


    im going to assume its because you are playing on a server that isn't in the bots list. So when it crashes and attempts to restart it cant pick a server because the one you use it on dosen't exist (according to the bot). Im guessing you use it by signing onto the server manually then letting the bot take over?

  5. #5


    I use gateway editor. Or i used it
    First time i have run this program and i added a priv server to list in my diablo 2. Now when i run diablo (all the time) i have +1 server in list to choose.
    I think your perceptivity is good.
    If my bot crashes it can't choose this server again. I have written in ini:
    This is the +1 server on my list and it's a last server (Europ is 4th and realmId=3 with it so i changed it and the same is --> gateway selecting...)
    I don't know what i must do to repair it Can i del other server like Europ and my priv server will take this place? How to do it and is it be ok? Or bot need orginal server to work only )
    thx for rep

    Additional Comment:
    now all is fine - your idea gave me next idea (for this day :P)
    if anyone have this problem:
    open gateway editor, delate europ server and make oter server in place and name of orginal :) And it's fine now
    thx guys.
    Last edited by ble007; 02-08-2006 at 07:45 AM. Reason: [Automerged Doublepost]

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