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  1. #1

    Default noob needs help please...........

    This is probably a simple question but hey if I don't ask I'm not going to know...... I need help getting weapons to a character. I downloaded the folder with all of the LOD items, but I can't figure out how to get the items into a character. I'm relatively new so if you could simplify it as much as possible for me that would be great!!!Any help would be greatly appreciated!!!!

    Thanks in advance!,

  2. #2
    ***** Elder Shift's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2005


    This is not the place to post this, but I am not sure how to do it either, but the items are only for single player characters, which you could just download hero editor and make your own.

  3. #3


    Well... first thing is that if your playing on closed bnet then you can't get those items you dled onto it.

    If your playin open bnet then dl Hero Editor .96, you can find it @ and then w/ the items you can just put them on open and there you go

  4. #4


    I'm new here so I wasn't sure where to put this so I appologize for that...... But yes I'm using it for single player. I downloaded the file you refered me to and it gives an error message saying that it is mising a file or something on those lines...... Do you know anything about this?

    Thanks again!

  5. #5
    ***** Elder Shift's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2005


    I'm not sure what it means, except that you are missing a file, try re downloading it here and reading this guide Spit has posted in Bots and Editor section, How to Use Hero Editor FAQ.

  6. #6


    btw can u get banned for using big hacks on open bnet??

    <<<<---- flippin shweet i have 3 same numbers as my post count (111)
    Last edited by GodandRock; 03-11-2006 at 06:30 PM.

  7. #7
    ***** Elder Shift's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2005


    No you can't get banned for using hacks on Open bnet, open is pretty much made for hacking.

  8. #8


    Hmm... i'm not sure but if you can get me a screenshot of it i'd know what to do (if possible).

    But for now remove it, dl it again and install it and see if it comes up again.

  9. #9


    Hey, thanks for the help everyone. I got it running and can open characters and everything seems to be working but I can't seem to upload items onto the character..... I downloaded a folder full of items but most of them say the versions aren't compatable. It says the items aren't v.1.11. but the download said they were.......

  10. #10


    Here is how i import items:
    1)right click on a box that you want to import onto your character
    (notice! for example if your importing a ebotd collossus blade the box has to be on the top left corner)
    2)locate the folder where you saved it
    3)click on the item and open

    If that doesn't seem to work then i'm not sure. But what i can do is make/teach you how to make your own legit items.

  11. #11


    dude get heroeditor and then browse thru d2 dir and find ur characters in the save the character file and then edit ur char the way u want...

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