Originally Posted by
no matter how you look at it war is simply one thing, young men blowing each other's legs off. it's a terrible thing and should always be avoided. i have no idea if iraq has WMD and neither does anyone else unless they are in iraq looking at them or at least have some hard evidence.
cuba had nuclear weapon capability on the rise and president kennedy avoided a war with them and they're friggin right next to us. bush landed us face first in a pile of dogshit halfway across the world with no hard evidence. is it even worth comparing? have you ever heard that man talk? he can't give a straight answer to important questions because he's scared to death of exposing whatever the truth actually is. a retired member of the NSA stood up at a white house press conference and accused donald rumsfelf of lying, do you suppose he was on LSD? all rumsfeld said was that he's not lying? wow that's a 5 year old comeback.
maybe getting rid of saddam was a good thing, but at what cost? that region has been killing the shit out of each other for thousands of years, who the hell is bush to think he can "solve" it with one war??? thousands and thousands of iraqi women are addictied to valium thanks to this war. who do you think is providing them withthis valium? do you think it's given away? hell no it isn't they're making serious profit from it.
how can anyone have the nerve to say war is a good thing?
what this country needs is a *** smoking gay president. not some macho prick that has to act like he's so serious all the time. seriousness alwyas leads to a fight.
just realized how much i was cussing...sorry...