View Poll Results: Is religion pointless?

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  • Yes

    21 22.34%
  • No

    38 40.43%
  • Yes, especially Christianity

    12 12.77%
  • Yes, they all equally suck Tool's balls

    23 24.47%
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Thread: **** Religion?

  1. #21
    I'm Delicious! DaCougarMech's Avatar
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    i'm sorry but that question is impossible to answer. for all we know, our souls, if you believe in that stuff, goes on to an universe where everyone is a talking bottle of rum. every theory about life after death is equally plausible to me because there is no concrete proof for any

  2. #22
    ***** Elder Shift's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tool
    Common sense?
    You are really a dumbass, how can it be common sense if nobody does actually knows what happends.

  3. #23


    First of all, I'd like to ask if you made this thread beacuase of what you recently got off ban for?

    Second of all, I would like to apoligize for the rash words we shared in that particular thread. You are a good person. Just blunt and/or ignorant.

    I really have nothing to add. I just had to ask.

  4. #24
    Hooker with a Pen!s
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    No, I saw Platinum talking about it in the gay marriage thread or something and I thought that it'd be interesting to get everyone's opinion on it.

    @Metalhead: Logic. If you're basing what happens in life after death on a book full of contradictions in itself you might as well kick yourself in the ass.

    And I don't need you to tell me that I'm a good person. I try to be the best person I can at all times, although it may not seem that way. And it's not because some stupid book or some ****ing monk or some other religious figure told me to. I do it because it makes me feel like I'm a better person, even if when I do try and help people it wastes my time or something bad ends up happening to me. Something earlier today was the perfect example of it.
    Last edited by Tool; 04-03-2006 at 12:35 PM.

  5. #25
    Tech Elder The Mob's Avatar
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    execellent. the world needs more of you. oh and, arguing about topics like this will never end, so just close it??
    US East L/NL-arowws4 arowws5 uber/organ runs for free. Free items too. Just ask. Must be member of this site.

  6. #26
    The Badass Siris's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tool
    If you're basing what happens in life after death on a book full of contradictions in itself you might as well kick yourself in the ass.
    contradictions? like what? i think i have seen you say this several times but i have never ctully seen you explain what contridictions or give ny examples
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  7. #27
    Hooker with a Pen!s
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    You've never seen ME talk about contradictions in the bible before. You're thinking of someone else. However, I don't care enough to go look them up when I know as soon as Platinum reads this he'll post some for me.

  8. #28
    The Badass Siris's Avatar
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    well i hop ehe does. so i can see them
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  9. #29
    You would kill for this, just a little bit Tap's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Red_Brilliance
    You are a good person. Just blunt and/or ignorant.
    Im guessing ignorant
    You said so much without ever parting your lips.

  10. #30


    i personally would have chosen pompous, but thats just me, and i am too tired to start a flame war

  11. #31


    If you want contradictions on the christian religeon, google flying speghetti monster.

  12. #32
    The Badass Siris's Avatar
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    maybe you misread but we are not talking about the christian religion we are talking about the bible
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  13. #33


    Quote Originally Posted by Metalhead
    Dude you are NOT hardcore just because you don't believe in God. Based on this comment you are a goth/emo whore who knows nothing about metal. You are just like GodandRock, trying to hard to be cool. Well guess what? Your not.

    Shut up and die, go to hell because thats where you belong. Just because you listen to metal doesn't mean you have to be satanic. Go listen to some black metal and let the jocks kick your ass fool. Please just shut up.

    Additional Comment:
    Oh and I'm hella this isn't a closed thread yet.
    Who the **** are you? You don't know shit about Tool and you're trying to bash him with points that aren't even valid. Basically every attempt at an insult is just a flat-out failure. I suggest you go back to Small Talk, you're just ruining yourself here.

    Anyway, I believe religion was primarily used as a method of explaining something the earlier civilizations didn't understand. I.E. the various regions believing the sun was pulled across the sky by a god in a chariot or whatever.

    Then it just became a method of control later on. Going to hell and burning in a lake of lava after you die if you do anything sinful is pretty convincing.

  14. #34
    The Badass Siris's Avatar
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    thats something i dont understand... most ppl in christianity (mostly catholism) say that when you die and if you go to hell you'll burn forever....but let me ask you something...why would a all powerful and all merciful god condemn you forever...he doesnt. if you read the bible it says that you burn for a time then you become nothingness. he only grants immortality to ppl how go to heaven.

    i cant remember exactly but i want to say you burn for 7 years...(i could be rwrong about it being 7 years but impretty sure)

    Additional Comment:
    now that i actually think about it i see that it is said forever because they higher ups try to control you and since forever sounds a lot more frightening then a few years..
    Last edited by Siris; 04-03-2006 at 03:37 PM. Reason: [Automerged Doublepost]
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  15. #35
    President of the Republic Mathalamus's Avatar
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    hmm if ur right siris my dad is entering the 3rd year of burning in hell

    and the gods will not let him go to heaven

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  16. #36
    The Badass Siris's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mathalamus-a
    hmm if ur right siris my dad is entering the 3rd year of burning in hell

    and the gods will not let him go to heaven
    if i am right then ur dad is in his grave and not in hell or heaven...when you die you stay dead till jesus comes for says this in the bible and yet many religions say that ur ancesters look down from heaven..this is not true.. every1 stays dead till he comes and when he comes he'll take thos that are dead and those that are still alive.
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  17. #37
    President of the Republic Mathalamus's Avatar
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    you know siris that (no offence) you make no sense ish

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  18. #38
    Forum Member
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    thank god someone made this thread... i would have but i didnt know how to make a poll (someone please pm me on how to do it)

    I hate religion of all sorts... it just a way to convert people into some sort of conformity...

    heres something for all of you christians / what ever you are... if your god made the world / universe who made your god...

    i love how the family guy movie makes jesus look like a jack*$$ (cause he is) "turns out jesus wasnt all he was cracked up to be" i agree with all the miricle things in family guy.

    anyway someone make a stupid point aboput christianty so i can rip them about it...

    note: im christain but i dont believe give a sh!t about it


  19. #39
    FeArMyPoWeR DeStRuCtIoN's Avatar
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    there are a few problems wth religion

    -people just take it too ****ing seriously (ie. Muslims, Christiains (south park))
    -people keep ****ing trying to convert you (i mean seriously **** OFF)
    -People break the rules of the religion all the time (ie. steal, swear)

  20. #40
    The Badass Siris's Avatar
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    mathaddsgdfdsf-a: what im saying is when you die u cease to exist till jesus comes for every1. its like your spirit is on pause.

    skymonster.... i hardly no where to begin insulting you... you seem to insult urself just fine. you go bashing on christians then call yourself one? anyways with an atitude like who made your god..well there hs to be a start because if some1 made god then who made that some1 and who made b4 that etc. well like i said there has to be a start.

    and as you 'ripping' on some1 dude i dont think u can make fun of any1 because most ppl i have seen hate you and you're a complete moran...but enough of this.. it gets boring flaming a moran. (my origanal thought was to call you an inferior but considering this is a religion thread and im trying to mke a point, it would only hurt me)

    Additional Comment:
    Quote Originally Posted by DeStRuCtIoN
    there are a few problems wth religion

    -people just take it too ****ing seriously (ie. Muslims, Christiains (south park))
    -people keep ****ing trying to convert you (i mean seriously **** OFF)
    -People break the rules of the religion all the time (ie. steal, swear)
    true... if ur a christain and u celebrate christmas, easter etc. you're breaking gods rules
    Last edited by Siris; 04-03-2006 at 04:48 PM. Reason: [Automerged Doublepost]
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