View Poll Results: Is religion pointless?

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  • Yes

    21 22.34%
  • No

    38 40.43%
  • Yes, especially Christianity

    12 12.77%
  • Yes, they all equally suck Tool's balls

    23 24.47%
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Thread: **** Religion?

  1. #161
    The Badass Siris's Avatar
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    to yes.interesting:

    all i ever did from the beginning was present information from the bible..whether the bible is true or not remains for the individual to to deside for themselves. i have never swayed to one side or the other. the out of the blue you start attacking without any provacation. that is what i dont understand. all i have done was provide info from the bible to both support certain aspects of the verious religions and also to show why others are considered wrong. in other words i have tried to shed light on the subject for ppl who may not understand. why do you attack me so? as far as i can tell i havents seen any proof that i have offended you (other then your attacks) nor proof of what you are trying to say. all i see is that you bash on me w/o point other then to say im wrong. why dont we just start over and you explain to me your exact views and maybe i can better understand them then show you what i think. and yes i know debate means argue but wht i was saying was to stop this violant arguing...why are you trying to keep arguing and bashing me in this manner? i have tried several times to get you to stop..why arnt you?
    Last edited by Siris; 04-05-2006 at 09:30 AM.
    Live, Learn, then STFU.

    I am Jack's smirking revenge.

  2. #162


    Quote Originally Posted by SpoonMan999
    This is a religion debate and your just bashing. Debate, don't just claim something is shit and irrelevant because it's not something you believe in. In religion all they have to go on is faith because I believe at some point God decided that to prove his existence would be to deny faith, there is a diference between believing and knowing. So don't throw out their arguments just because there isn't hard evidence when you're trying to debate what is mythology and what is truth.
    I'm bashing nothing the "Shit " part came from his previous post, u nless I read it completely wrong which I very likely didnt. And I am throwing out their arguments just because there isn't hard evidence, that is my side of the "Debate"

    Also Sirus , I'm not "targeting" you exactly, you're just the one that has a high majority of the posts in this thread.

    "What is mythology and what is truth"
    A myth is purely fiction, made up to tell your children a story at night
    Truth is cold hard facts proving somethings existance, which is not what religion and the bible itself have.

    Quote Originally Posted by FraterPerdurabo View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Skye View Post
    You don't like it? Why is that?
    Probably because I fail to appreciate the beauty in what I see around me constantly.

  3. #163
    The Badass Siris's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BlindSpot
    Also Sirus , I'm not "targeting" you exactly, you're just the one that has a high majority of the posts in this thread.
    i wasnt directing my last post to you. it was to yes.interesting... just look at his posts.

    i know i have many posts here but that is because i was trying to shed more light..even out the debate.
    Live, Learn, then STFU.

    I am Jack's smirking revenge.

  4. #164


    Quote Originally Posted by Siris
    all i ever did from the beginning was present information from the bible..whether the bible is true or not remains for the individual to to deside for themselves. i have never swayed to one side or the other. the out of the blue you start attacking without any provacation. that is what i dont understand. all i have done was provide info from the bible to both support certain aspects of the verious religions and also to show why others are considered wrong. in other words i have tried to shed light on the subject for ppl who may not understand. why do you attack me so? as far as i can tell i havents seen any proof that i have offended you (other then your attacks) nor proof of what you are trying to say. all i see is that you bash on me w/o point other then to say im wrong. why dont we just start over and you explain to me your exact views and maybe i can better understand them then show you what i think. and yes i know debate means argue but wht i was saying was to stop this violant arguing...why are you trying to keep arguing and bashing me in this manner? i have tried several times to get you to stop..why arnt you?
    1. My first post in this thread discussed the insufficiencies of the bible and christianity. You took personal offense. I did not flame you in the first post.

    2. No, you don't "just present the information from the bible." You did it incorrectly, making stuff up like "Moses MOSTLY ate nuts and berries" which simply is not true provided Egyptian climate.

    3. Argument does not necessarily mean violent argument. I'm just pissed that you use erroneous or incorrectly interpreted evidence and say that you "burned me." I just split up and quote what you post and show you what you said didn't really make any sense.

    With that said, yes I will agree to start over:
    The bible is shit. You--or anyone else--can argue otherwise. But you CANNOT argue that the bible is flawless and it contains no contradictions.

  5. #165
    The Badass Siris's Avatar
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    id like you to quote your first post

    now the bible is not flawless (and i never at any point said it is flawless) but i havent seen any contridictions in the bible (which doesnt mean there arent any). and when i said what thy ate i was talking abiout waaay befor moses's time. but enough of about the food. maybe to start over you can list some contridictions you have seen or heard
    Live, Learn, then STFU.

    I am Jack's smirking revenge.

  6. #166


    Quote Originally Posted by yes.interesting
    Well, I guess this thread is open grounds to bash christianity.
    Siris, you're one of those arrogant christians that believe there is nothing wrong/contradictory in the bible. You're wrong. Here's just a few off the top of my head:

    It says that god created humans on the 6th day, but I argue that dinosaurs have been around for millions of years. So then you--the arrogant christian--argues that in god's eyes, 1 day can be millions/billions of years. So now I ask you how can moses live for 600 years?

    In the bible some where, god implies that pi (yes, the mathematical number of 3.14159--rounded) is equal to 3. He states that some circular body of water is 20 units long and 30 units around.

    To metalhead: it's actually very easy to move a 20 ton boulder on logs. If you've ever taken physics, you'll know that the difficulty/movement speed of a 20 ton boulder being moved on top of logs has very little to do with its weight.

    I wouldn't say **** all religion. I'd just say christianty isn't the way to go.
    Happy enough? Two contradictions already. I don't consider "arrogant christian" as a flame because it's supported. People brought up contradictions and yet you still refuse to acknowledge them.

    Me: "Two contradictions you ask? Age and pi.
    You: "I don't see any contradictions. I haven't seen anyone bring up contradictions"
    Me: "Age and pi"
    You: "Moses MOSTLY ate nuts and berries. OH! Burned!"
    Last edited by yes.interesting; 04-05-2006 at 09:50 AM.

  7. #167
    The Badass Siris's Avatar
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    aye but i think what i said after that was that im not a christian at all and just give info from the bible.

    as for the age it shows how humans first multiplied and that they lived several hundred years. there is no contridiction in the bible for this. now u may not believe that ppl could have lived that long and there is no evidence either way.

    as for the is an article on this.
    if you like i can scroung around for more articles.
    Live, Learn, then STFU.

    I am Jack's smirking revenge.

  8. #168
    Lets burn Hot Topic Down! Metalhead Steve's Avatar
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    Ok well hopefully this statement will be the end of this topic because frankly I think this thread is a piece of shit.

    Shit happens. Shit happens we cannot explain. There's absolutely no ****ing sense in debating it. Especially stuff about religion. Tool since you made this you are a douche. My basis for this statement is that you are the kind of person that starts wars. I wish you would have put a Muslim flame option in your poll and posted your address, nothing would make me happier that seeing "Terrorist attack on bla bla bla street in bla bla bla town, apparently for an internet argument." It was stupid to make the thread and apparently you are closed minded and ignorant to other peoples beliefs. And earlier in the thread you said I called you Satanist, I never did I just said something about you not believing in god which would make you an atheist. Wait let me find this just to prove you wrong and show you that you are that much of a walking ****.

    Quote Originally Posted by Metalhead
    Dude you are NOT hardcore just because you don't believe in God. Based on this comment you are a goth/emo whore who knows nothing about metal. You are just like GodandRock, trying to hard to be cool. Well guess what? Your not.

    Shut up and die, go to hell because thats where you belong. Just because you listen to metal doesn't mean you have to be satanic. Go listen to some ***** metal and let the jocks kick your ass fool. Please just shut up.
    Quote Originally Posted by Tool
    By saying that I'm "Satanic" would imply that I am religious when in fact I said RELIGION. Not CHRISTIANITY. Go get a ****ing English book because you are a ****ing retard. Comprehension goes a long way in life you ****ing dipshit.
    Enlighten me. Where did I EVER use the word Satanic in my posts?

    Edit: Omg I just read my post again and you really are a douche bag. I just had to add that lol.
    Last edited by Metalhead Steve; 04-05-2006 at 10:15 AM.
    Give us this day our daily bread, your legacy we'll not forget. Lick the wounds and cleanse the land, the modern world rejects your hand... Sinister rouge coming back for more to even the score! --- Bad Religion

  9. #169
    The Badass Siris's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Metalhead
    Ok well hopefully this statement will be the end of this topic because frankly I think this thread is a piece of shit.

    Shit happens. Shit happens we cannot explain. There's absolutely no ****ing sense in debating it. Especially stuff about religion. Tool since you made this you are a douche. My basis for this statement is that you are the kind of person that starts wars. I wish you would have put a Muslim flame option in your poll and posted your address, nothing would make me happier that seeing "Terrorist attack on bla bla bla street in bla bla bla town, apparently for an internet argument." It was stupid to make the thread and apparently you are closed minded and ignorant to other peoples beliefs. And earlier in the thread you said I called you Satanist, I never did I just said something about you not believing in god which would make you an atheist. Wait let me find this just to prove you wrong and show you that you are that much of a walking ****.

    Edit: Omg I just read my post again and you really are a douche bag. I just had to add that lol.
    yes its ppl like you that make threads like this shit. you dont really say anything other then call ppl douchebags......what is your problem? if you dont like a thread.....dont reply to it.
    Live, Learn, then STFU.

    I am Jack's smirking revenge.

  10. #170
    Lets burn Hot Topic Down! Metalhead Steve's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Metalhead
    Shit happens. Shit happens we cannot explain. There's absolutely no ****ing sense in debating it. Especially stuff about religion.
    That was the main point, apparently you didn't read close enough. I don't even know why your still arguing, it won't end. It's not like one of us is going to have a huge epiphany giving us the proof of what is real and what is not. So you tell me Siris, what is the point?
    Give us this day our daily bread, your legacy we'll not forget. Lick the wounds and cleanse the land, the modern world rejects your hand... Sinister rouge coming back for more to even the score! --- Bad Religion

  11. #171
    The Badass Siris's Avatar
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    the point is for ppl to show other ppl there views and vice versa. then every1 comes out a little smarter because that is how we learn.
    Live, Learn, then STFU.

    I am Jack's smirking revenge.

  12. #172


    Did anybody even read my goddamned post? It was a ***** to type and it pisses me off you turds ignored it.

    I provided the most scientifically backed and most logical scientific explination for all religions and spirituality.

  13. #173
    I'm Delicious! DaCougarMech's Avatar
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    wow. look how crazy everyone is getting just talking about religion online

  14. #174
    Lets burn Hot Topic Down! Metalhead Steve's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Siris
    the point is for ppl to show other ppl there views and vice versa. then every1 comes out a little smarter because that is how we learn.
    If thats the point I'm pretty sure all the views have been expressed and everyone should just shut their damned mouths. No one is smarter, I'm pretty sure we're all a little angrier though.
    Give us this day our daily bread, your legacy we'll not forget. Lick the wounds and cleanse the land, the modern world rejects your hand... Sinister rouge coming back for more to even the score! --- Bad Religion

  15. #175


    Quote Originally Posted by Siris
    aye but i think what i said after that was that im not a christian at all and just give info from the bible.

    as for the age it shows how humans first multiplied and that they lived several hundred years. there is no contridiction in the bible for this. now u may not believe that ppl could have lived that long and there is no evidence either way.
    Yes, there is evidence. Scientists examine the hip bone to estimate the age of a human. The most ancient skeleton found is Lucy--I think, who lived to be between 16-25. Lucy was closer to the missing link than Moses was, so how can Lucy (who did die of old age since no trauma was found on the bones of her body, as any injury/malnutrition would show) live shorter than Moses? In other words, if god shortened the lives of humans after Moses lived, how come Lucy wasn't 600 years old.

    as for the is an article on this.
    if you like i can scroung around for more articles.
    Wow, you're just as bad as chaos31. "check, it'll say that the bible is right!"
    1. that is a very biased site.
    2. did you even read it? It says that the people who measured it measured the middle of that conical shape, and thus at some heigh the circumference would be 30. The bible did not state this. They made it up.

  16. #176
    Jenova Clone SpoonMan999's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BlindSpot
    I'm bashing nothing the "Shit " part came from his previous post, u nless I read it completely wrong which I very likely didnt. And I am throwing out their arguments just because there isn't hard evidence, that is my side of the "Debate"

    Also Sirus , I'm not "targeting" you exactly, you're just the one that has a high majority of the posts in this thread.

    "What is mythology and what is truth"
    A myth is purely fiction, made up to tell your children a story at night
    Truth is cold hard facts proving somethings existance, which is not what religion and the bible itself have.
    Have any proof that you're right? Can you provide me with cold hard evidence that God does not exist? No? Then I guess you're argument is wrong right? By your logic of course.

    I'm not a religious person and I feel if there is a God he's quite the prick to ignore all the horrors of the world the way he does.

    "I'm not a geek, I'm just coolness challenged."

  17. #177
    The Badass Siris's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by yes.interesting
    Yes, there is evidence. Scientists examine the hip bone to estimate the age of a human. The most ancient skeleton found is Lucy--I think, who lived to be between 16-25. Lucy was closer to the missing link than Moses was, so how can Lucy (who did die of old age since no trauma was found on the bones of her body, as any injury/malnutrition would show) live shorter than Moses? In other words, if god shortened the lives of humans after Moses lived, how come Lucy wasn't 600 years old.

    Wow, you're just as bad as chaos31. "check, it'll say that the bible is right!"
    1. that is a very biased site.
    2. did you even read it? It says that the people who measured it measured the middle of that conical shape, and thus at some heigh the circumference would be 30. The bible did not state this. They made it up.
    i know nothing of for all i know she could have died of desease...i have no idea... as for the link it quotes directly from the bible and they didnt make anything up. if i had a bible here i would look it up for you and quote it. how is saying they just made it up any proof? but dont start saying anything..whos this.. ill reread the article and see if i can figure for the link you gave... it doesnt work.

    as for metal he is refering to page 1...he took from ur post that you called him sataninc...dont say anything back to me because this is between you to
    Live, Learn, then STFU.

    I am Jack's smirking revenge.

  18. #178
    Hooker with a Pen!s
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    Quote Originally Posted by Metalhead
    Dude you are NOT hardcore just because you don't believe in God. Based on this comment you are a goth/emo whore who knows nothing about metal. You are just like GodandRock, trying to hard to be cool. Well guess what? Your not.

    Shut up and die, go to hell because thats where you belong. Just because you listen to metal doesn't mean you have to be satanic. Go listen to some ***** metal and let the jocks kick your ass fool. Please just shut up.
    Quote Originally Posted by Metalhead
    Enlighten me. Where did I EVER use the word Satanic in my posts?

    Edit: Omg I just read my post again and you really are a douche bag. I just had to add that lol.
    OH EM GEE I just read your post again and you really are the biggest dumbass this forum has ever seen.

    Additional Comment:
    Quote Originally Posted by Metalhead
    If thats the point I'm pretty sure all the views have been expressed and everyone should just shut their damned mouths. No one is smarter, I'm pretty sure we're all a little angrier though.
    Apparently I am smarter than you and that's what matters. =D
    Last edited by Tool; 04-05-2006 at 10:50 AM. Reason: [Automerged Doublepost]

  19. #179
    Lets burn Hot Topic Down! Metalhead Steve's Avatar
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    I guess I didn't read my own post hard enough, but still standing I didn't say that you were Satanic. Although I should have said something along the lines of anti-god or atheist there. Satanic wasn't my point, and that's not how it was meant to be taken. I just don't get how some people read past the point and see what doesn't really matter at all. A small mistake, got me there but still, you are a **** for making this thread.
    Give us this day our daily bread, your legacy we'll not forget. Lick the wounds and cleanse the land, the modern world rejects your hand... Sinister rouge coming back for more to even the score! --- Bad Religion

  20. #180
    The Badass Siris's Avatar
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    ok yes.interesting i reread it and to explain it to you. 3.14........ is very very close to 3.0. and back then they didnt have instruments to get exact values. so basicly what happened was they they just rounded to the nearest cubit instead of saying 30.xxxx cubits. back then they werent exact. but neither is everyday ppl around the house. also every mans arm lenth is slightly different so that could have also been a factor.
    Live, Learn, then STFU.

    I am Jack's smirking revenge.

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