View Poll Results: Is religion pointless?

94. You may not vote on this poll
  • Yes

    21 22.34%
  • No

    38 40.43%
  • Yes, especially Christianity

    12 12.77%
  • Yes, they all equally suck Tool's balls

    23 24.47%
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Thread: **** Religion?

  1. #321


    i wasnt saying Mother Teresa was bad i completely aggree with u and i am catholic which is the worst curupted church

  2. #322
    The One | The Only Z3R0's Avatar
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    Ahhh, that explains it all.

    You can run....but you'll just die tired.

  3. #323


    1337 speech is easier to under stand than you typing ****...

    yeahi wondering what they do with all that "religious" money other than help the poor and needy and what not

  4. #324


    and if the church really need somthing done like a new alter or somthing do we really have to donate money? i mean if it was gods will couldnt he just fix the alter?

    1337 speech is easier to under stand than you typing ****...
    i am typing these from computer class so the keyboard is ****ed up cuz are school is poor

  5. #325
    The One | The Only Z3R0's Avatar
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    Sounds like you need to take collection again during class, or write a letter to the pope demanding a bigger budget.

    You can run....but you'll just die tired.

  6. #326


    religion is one of the stupidest things anyone has ever put together. nothing in it can be proven. the fact that a god exists can never be proven at all so what's the point of worshipping somthing that you can't even see or ever beleive in? there is none. saying god exists because of all the history of it and anything else being said in that regards can be told as the same way as saying dragons exist. there is tons of "sightings" and there are records but it can never be proven and never will be. this is just my beleifs on this topic

  7. #327
    President of the Republic Mathalamus's Avatar
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    i don't know if that was posted but alot of people was upset with the movie Da vinci code..mabye religion is a need..

    President of the Mathalamus Republic, Representative of Insane Creative people.
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  8. #328


    my mother is makeing me take caticisme classes to let me drive a care and your asking me is religion pointless aprenly to my mother

  9. #329


    Quote Originally Posted by jujuthecow
    my mother is makeing me take caticisme classes to let me drive a care and your asking me is religion pointless aprenly to my mother
    well, judging by your spelling, you do need to be taking some sort of classes....i really cant read this. you want someone to shoot your mom? are you really old enough to drive with spelling like that? if i were you, i'd be more inclined to shoot my teachers. because they obviously havent taught you anything. and you really want someone to shoot the woman who suffered to give you life? you are a sad little boy who needs to worry about other things than driving a "care".

  10. #330
    You would kill for this, just a little bit Tap's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bloodangel26
    well, judging by your spelling, you do need to be taking some sort of classes....i really cant read this. you want someone to shoot your mom? are you really old enough to drive with spelling like that? if i were you, i'd be more inclined to shoot my teachers. because they obviously havent taught you anything. and you really want someone to shoot the woman who suffered to give you life? you are a sad little boy who needs to worry about other things than driving a "care".
    sorta reminds me of that new omen movie coming out
    Last edited by Tap; 05-30-2006 at 05:51 PM.
    You said so much without ever parting your lips.

  11. #331


    religeon is really a pointless thing. there is no need for it and alot of foreign affairs have somthing to do with it. think how much easier life would be if you didn't have to worry about being discriminated against in school or just anywhere. i live in brick NJ it's right next to lakewood NJ. Lakewood is a town full of Hasidics(sorry for spelling). everyday al i hear is: "those Jews" and shit like that think about what would happen if people weren't discriminated againts for beleiving in a certain thing. like a god.

  12. #332
    Newcomer XNightxRavenX's Avatar
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    i dont feel its pointless at a very religious person...and im christian...and u know wut i dont care who hates me but ill be the one laffing when ur burning in hell...if ur not religious then please explain y were all here including everything around us...and if u say BIG BANG i will rip ur nuts of and suffacate u with ur sack.

    Additional Comment:
    well, judging by your spelling, you do need to be taking some sort of classes....i really cant read this. you want someone to shoot your mom? are you really old enough to drive with spelling like that? if i were you, i'd be more inclined to shoot my teachers. because they obviously havent taught you anything. and you really want someone to shoot the woman who suffered to give you life? you are a sad little boy who needs to worry about other things than driving a "care"......
    now this is a guy who knows what he is talking about!

    Additional Comment:
    religion is one of the stupidest things anyone has ever put together. nothing in it can be proven.......the dumb **** who wrote is soooo effing ignorant its idiot....its all been proves....u mean thats its never been unproven....everything in the bible happened for a reason...and u know what god still forgives you for not beleiving in him...which i dont know about more then i could take....if theres a bomb in the room...even if u say its not is and it will explode one day...i just wanna know what ur gonna say when u die and r in front of the pearly gates.
    Last edited by XNightxRavenX; 05-31-2006 at 12:06 PM. Reason: [Automerged Doublepost]

  13. #333


    yes, i do know what i am talking about, and now i am going to tell you that the universe started with the big bang. please, try to rip my nuts off and see what happens.

  14. #334


    Quote Originally Posted by Evil_Pickler
    religeon is really a pointless thing. there is no need for it and alot of foreign affairs have somthing to do with it. think how much easier life would be if you didn't have to worry about being discriminated against in school or just anywhere. i live in brick NJ it's right next to lakewood NJ. Lakewood is a town full of Hasidics(sorry for spelling). everyday al i hear is: "those Jews" and shit like that think about what would happen if people weren't discriminated againts for beleiving in a certain thing. like a god.
    Probably one of the dumbest posts I've ever read. You're saying that because people discriminate against Jews, that Judaism and all other religions should not exist? Wow that is completely retarded. An analogy using your logic: becuase Germany invaded or "bullied" other countries prior to WWII, the idea of seperate countries or even countries itself is "pointless." Please, shut the up.

  15. #335
    Newcomer XNightxRavenX's Avatar
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    i would rip ur nuts off if u had some...and ok lets say the big bang did create the world...where did all the gasses to cause the big bang come from? hmmm please answer that?

  16. #336


    i'm going to let your pathetic attempts at insults go. you ask where the gasses would come from for the big bang, i answer with where would god come from? you answer with something like, he just exists right? same with the gasses then.

  17. #337
    Newcomer XNightxRavenX's Avatar
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    Ya But God Exsists Becuase He Created Time And The Gasses Were Never Said To Do That...god Was Before Time Meaning He Has Always Been God And Will Always Be God...and If Ur Too Pathetic To See That Then Your Not Worth My TimE..and Go Ahead And Have The Last Word In EdgEwise But Just So You Know That Would Just Strengthen My Knowledge Of U Being A Pathetic SelF Concious Go Ahead And Say The Last Words...but Ill Be The Bigger Man Who In The End Will Be Smiling Down On U From Heaven With My Lord And Savior JesUs Christ.

  18. #338


    i'm not really sure what being sel concious is, perhaps you mean self conscious? but i am not pathetic or a prick. dont steal my insults please. you are the pathetic one, because you are so closed minded and self righteous that you dont even consider other viewpoints. not that you really care, because all you care about is your own opinion, but i personally believe in both the theory of evolution/big bang and god. i believe there is/was a god that started everything, but he didnt do all that crap about creating the earth in 7 days, that part is pure BS. there is way to much scientific data out there for me to believe any part of creationism.

    Additional Comment:
    PS "god exists because he created time" is not a valid argument. nor is the fact that "the gasses" didnt create time. time is just time, its always been and always will be there.
    Last edited by Bloodangel26; 05-31-2006 at 12:48 PM. Reason: [Automerged Doublepost]

  19. #339
    Newcomer XNightxRavenX's Avatar
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    u know what i dont wanna fight with you....god would like me too...i beleive he would like me turn my lets agree to disagree. ok? you have your veiws i have mine, lets just agree to not push our ideals on each other.

  20. #340


    Quote Originally Posted by XNightxRavenX
    u know what i dont wanna fight with you....god would like me too...i beleive he would like me turn my lets agree to disagree. ok? you have your veiws i have mine, lets just agree to not push our ideals on each other.
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