This thread is somewhat old but i guess i'll add my opinon. Frankly, i dont believe in God, i dont see how anyone could.
This thread is somewhat old but i guess i'll add my opinon. Frankly, i dont believe in God, i dont see how anyone could.
I've had these 2 questions on my mind for a while now.
1). Who created the Univsere, it wasnt some BIG BANG i can tell you that. But its really hard to believe some Mystical Entity created it to.
2). Who created us? No,no we werent monkey's or some "Organism" that mutated into a human, but it still seems hard to believe an "entity" created man in his vision, and created "Women" with the rib of the man.
There's so many things that can make religon look false. but all these questions usually lead to the same answer.
Who created us? God, its really hard to believe that we evolved from a monkey.
Who created the universe? God, No "EXPOLOSION" in the univserse could have created all this..
Im sorry to disapoint you believers and people who say "religon is pointless"
Religon is in fact growing, and Tool you just need to accept it and quit gripping about it. I in fact do have my doubts, but, I think there is a god, and i do believe religon is important to todays society.
That is a very god opinion and point. The think is, we don't know anything for sure, so we choose to either believe in something, or not.
[quote=Tool;382667]If your name is a representation of your "kool" factor then your "zero" is very appropriate as well.
But I think you should change your name to Spam. Then it would be the most fitting name that anyone on this board has.[/quote}
I'm flattered. One problem with your little "theory" however; I'm not so egotistical that I worry about whether I am "cool" or not, or whether my clothes are in fashion. I simply don't care. I'm going to be my own person, not try to mimick how someone else lives their life in order to be "cool". And by the way, my name comes from the movie Hackers, where zerokool was the alias of the main character, but I guess that's before your time.
Last edited by Z3R0; 10-23-2006 at 12:48 AM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost
You can run....but you'll just die tired.
Sure there isnt no real big truth out there, but there are plenty more truths that need to be answered that no one can ever answer.
1). Do Ghosts exsist?
2). Do Aliens (ETs) exsist?
But the one question i had about this god is.. If there was truely a god.. then why is there War and Terrorism in the world. He smited all the evil back in the biblical times and now he doesnt do anything for us. He sends us Natural disasters.
But the Natural Disasters could have only been created by one "Being" and that is god.
Oh.. and to quote someone
"Why cant people have the right to believe in what they want"
They do have that right, but people find it important in there life to make sure that right has been taking away. Mainly a few people on this board.
Last edited by VakAtk1; 10-23-2006 at 12:58 AM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost
[quote=zerokool;382738]That is a very god opinion and point. The think is, we don't know anything for sure, so we choose to either believe in something, or not.
I'm amused. One problem with your little "response" however; my name in no ways show how egotistical I am, which is a lot, because I am probably the greatest person ever, all 3k of my posts will show that.
Also, no one gives a shit what clothes you wear. No one thinks you're unique either because you try to be "your own person". The only reason you say you try to be your own person is because you know you have no real friends so you justify having no friends by saying that you're your own person and you're not going to change for anyone. Sucks to be you, I guess that's why I'll always be better than you.
Some religions have multiple gods, so are you comdemning their beliefs?
Btw the word is... Exist.
(by the way, I'm in no way religious, I follow no religious Cults like Christianity)
Evolution is a far better answer than Creationism. How is it hard to believe if we evolved from a monkey?, We at least have a similar body structure. It's harder to believe a Frog evolved from a tadpole.
Finaly, someone who can make multiple points related to the same subject, where have you been? Lol. Ok, why is there evil in the world? Why does this so called "loving God" allow war and disease and famine? In the biblical sense, it is not God who allows these things, it is man. The number six-hundred and sixtey-six, do you know whos' number that is? It is not the beasts' number, sure it is the mark he is prophesized to take in Revelations, but it is the number of man. Why is there evil in the world? Because there is man in the world and the bible says that man is of evil nature and has evil intent. But you might say, "Why would God create us like that?". Again, in the biblical sense, he does not create us like that. He creates us nieve and pure when we are first born. There is a saying, I forget who by but it goes like this: "It is not we, who form our brothers. but rather our brothers that form us." The people around you affect you in many ways, how you grew up, where you grew up, what you went through while growing up, and the people you were around growing up. Why is there war, because man created war. Why? I know not; who does? People say all of the time, "I don't believe in God, but if there were a God, why would he let things like war and famine and death happen?" Well, if you don't believe in God, what does it matter to you. You should be thinking about what affects the world in such a way that war and famine happen. Yet, it is the nature of man to disagree. As for death, do you not think there should be a balance? Take a look at a forest for example: Trees and brush sprout up, grow, grow, and then they start to decay and die. A tree will stand up until it's trunk is rotted through. Then it will crash to the ground, possibly taking other trees with it. While it lays on the ground, still decaying, it provides soil and nurishment for the new saplings that sprout up over time. Now, look at it this way: In a forest where trees and brush don't decay and die, but keep growing, thicker and thicker. What would the world be like if there wasn't death, can you imagine? I can. Death is inevitable. I believe in a balance, where there cannot be life without death, light without dark, rightousness without evil. That is my perception, I know people may or may not share it, and that there will be at least one person to critisize me for it, but ask yourself whoever you are, why do I disagree with others? Why do I think I know it all?
There are also those who are still growing up.
Last edited by Z3R0; 10-26-2006 at 03:05 AM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost
You can run....but you'll just die tired.
THE real question is....... Why is there existance in the first place... why does anything exist?
what created existance? how can existance be created if there is none.
that just makes no sence how can matter be created what created matter what created the laws of space... and so on and so on.
What some belive: religion started out as we want to belive that we go some where when we die that we will still exist after death and another world? casue no one wants to die we want to exist forever right?
But of corse this can never be proven. you won't find out till you dead right?
so after alot of thought they decided all we can do is believe.
let us make this world have better justice. how so you ask? Easy by making them belive in a world after death that will be a paridice if you are a good person and obey the laws.
But if you dont obey the laws and are a bad person you shall go to a terrible place.
So there for religon was made. casue no one could prove of this other world existance and its only natrual for humans to want to exist after death.
Thats what some belive.
Religion is a choise you make there is nothing bad about it. We all make differnce choices in life and i like to choose what i want to belive. I like to read up on all religions and see how they think and have myselft choose a path, that i will take based on the information i have gathered from all these religions, and make my own choice to what i belive is right.
Choosing your own path is the true freedom of life!
what paths do you take?
I do not no if there is a god or not, but doesnt hurt to belive, whats worng with having a little more confedence in life from beliveing? But i do belive in the wisdom of the teachings it provides.
Last edited by mindlessSector; 10-23-2006 at 02:36 PM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost
if god is all seeing and stuff he failed to help me resolve the issuse i have!
i want to consider declareing war on god but since im out numbers 8 trillion to one i dont think so
President of the Mathalamus Republic, Representative of Insane Creative people.
Alignment: True Neutral
When most people hear religion, they think God, do you know why? Because out of all of the religions, most of them serve a bieng they generally call "God". Muslims believe in God, and pray five times a day. Jews believe in God, Catholics, Christians, Baptists, the list goes on. The point is, every differant religion thinks that it can do better than all of the other religions. So more religions and cults are made and more churches are built. Yet, all of the beliefs and faiths and practices of all of these diverse religions and churches, focus and are founded on a solitary belief, God.
You can run....but you'll just die tired.
Razzor, go practice being shy and not talking to girls you like.
Religion is very important to some people. Obviously not impartant to people such as razzor and tool, but to some it is the base upon which they have built their entire lives on. Their believe in some higher power and the hope that there is a better place then this and that they might someday reach it, gives them a will to live. You Can choose not to believe in a higher power, and that is fine, to each their own. But why must you degradingly insult and constantly abuse those who make their own choice to believe in something?
You can run....but you'll just die tired.
Because people who think the only way they can live their lives on the basis of the rewards of afterlife don't deserve to live. You live for yourself, to have fun, not for some made up fictional character to tell you how to live it.
That is your way of living. Not everyone shares your opinions and beliefs. You are not some rolemodel for mankind. Every is free to make their own choices. And it just so happens that most of the world chooses to believe in something other than themselves.
You can run....but you'll just die tired.
Actually, I think it's pretty split even between religious/not religious. Don't quote me on it though.
Everyone is free to make their own choices, it just so happens that those with common sense (like me) make better choices.
You are not a beauitiful and uniqu snowflake!
We all all part of the same decaying organic matter!
YouTube - yami no matsuei - fight club mix - AMV
Why shld we live after death? when we die we die for good.
Who are we to have ininity life? why shld we? what purpose would it server?
maybe what they mean by inifinty life is make babies so you blood will live on forever. not you or your memories just the family you make? Sex is the answer!?
We wouldnt be here if it wasnt for sex nor would are future to be son or daughter be alive!
That is just greed to live on forever. We must accept are death and to never exist.
are memories will only exist in thoes we were with that are still living on earth.
its just the circle of life that symolizes forever!
lets say you do live forever after death. wount u eventualy get bord and wish you never existed?
We will all die it is a fate we can not escape. We will all be given the chance to see death.
nothing makes sense! it just keeps going in circels you get so frustrated and crazy you just gotta cling to something!
Don't make me call the suicide hotline on you. How do you know indefinatly that there isn't life after death? How can you be so sure that life is useless. Maybe you think your life is useless, but not everyone fells that way. It is certain that everyone will die someday, but it is not certain that death is the end. I believe that death is not the end, merley an incident in the middle of a really long life.
You can run....but you'll just die tired.
he's not suicidal. he's being quite realistic
as far as we know, this is the only life we have. anything after is a question
and in truth, our lives are pretty useless nowadays. read fight club sometime, i dont feel like explaining
Sorry if you think my comment was insulting, but that's just how it is for me. In my opinion, being religious is just a pathetic try of humans to explain where they are came from and where they are going to go when they die. I have religion as a subject in my school and although I think religion is useless I think it's intressting to discuss about different religions. At the moment, we talk about buddhism. If I did unterstand it, in buddhism, life is about finding the lambency (Sorry, I don't know if lambency is the right word for it, I searched it in a dictionary). They say that everything in life is painful and that you'll be reborn after everytime you die, until you find the right track so you find the lambency. That's just bullshit for me.
If there's anything wrong I said about buddhism, correct me.
I also study multiple religions. The thing I don't get is, why other religions think they are so much more right than all of the others. Also, you get Athiests that want to flame those who are part of Any religion. If you choose not to believe in something, that's fine, but why must you treat those who do believe in one or multiple deities with such disrespect? It is their choose. And if their beliefs do not matter to you, then what is the point of constatnly arguing with them about it? This is all figurative. I'm not talking about anyone in particlar, just those out there that do this, I don't understand why.
You can run....but you'll just die tired.
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