I don't hate followers of religion and I don't flame them. My girlfriend is a [devout] Catholic while I'm atheist. I hate radicals who think they're right now matter how much facts you throw at them.
I don't hate followers of religion and I don't flame them. My girlfriend is a [devout] Catholic while I'm atheist. I hate radicals who think they're right now matter how much facts you throw at them.
I am not a radical but let me ask you, what facts do you throw at them. There is no God? It is not a fact unless proven, can you prove it? On the flip side, it is not a fact that he does exist, it is a belief, it hasn't been proven, and so it is merly hoped for.
You can run....but you'll just die tired.
I'm not going to bother with facts right now unless you really want me to. Instead, I'll ask you this question. If the bible is so all knowing and straight-forward why was a bible (called the Fundie-Bible) recently published that actually gets rid of all the contradictions in the bible?
Zerokool, I don't want to insult anyone with my opinion, maybe I just expressed it a bit too "unfriendly". Well anyways, I have the same opinion about radicals like Tool. I think the most dangerous/problematic people are muslims. Maybe you heard about it: There is danish newspaper agency which made fun about the prophet Mohammed (there were some comics..). Another thing was, that the pope "insulted" Mohammed: I must admit, I don't know exactly what he said, but he said something like that Mohammed and all the muslims always were the source of war, pain and problems between nations on the world, even back in the medival time (?). You know what the reaction of many muslims on the world was? I saw interviews on TV of muslims and their opinion about it, and the most said, that all the muslims on the world are going to unite very soon and when that happens, europe, the christians, and everyone else on the world will feel the "wrath" of the muslims. You know, THEY ARE THREATENING us. I don't thread anyone with my opinion about religion, I don't go to anyone and say something like "Hey you ****ing christian, your religion sucks, it's useless, stop to believe in it or I'll ****ing kill you". Actually, the muslims are a big problem here in germany, but that's another thing which has nothing to do with the topic. I hope you understand what I'm trying to say.
Religion, is just something people believe in, they don't know if what they believe in is true, or not, but they believe, and thats all religion is, and radicals that belive, that their religion is right and the only religion there is and everyone should follow it, are people i can't stand.
When did I say that the Bible is all knowing? Quite putting words in my mouth, you make to many assumptions, such as the one where you "know it all".
I'm not trying to be insulting either but how Did you say it? Oh, **** religion,nuff said". Yeah that might have given off the wrong impression.
The Muslims have been saying they will take over the world for years now. Have they yet to acheive this? Do they have an arsenal that can blow a country off of the map? There may be a lot of them, but there were a lot of Saxons when the Romans came to Gual, yet the Saxons were nearly exterminated due to their lack of dicipline and training.
Last edited by Z3R0; 10-27-2006 at 12:26 AM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost
You can run....but you'll just die tired.
Well, you asked for what facts I was talking about. I was using the Bible as an example you stupid ****. Get a better argument and next time try to reply to the subject matter rather than insult me for something you assumed I was assuming because you have no valid argument against what I was saying you ****ing ****.
You can run....but you'll just die tired.
lol, i have to agree with zerokool there.
Well this thread has gotten out of hand.. And Tool.. your pretty much saying stating you have a religon of your own.. Which involves, drugs,sexs,and rock n roll.. am i correct.. Some life style you have there buddy.. Oh and lemme guess your a Athesist and you have no religon, your not catorgized as under any type of religon? Am I correct? Well buddy sorry to say you do have a religon and its called Atheisim. Tell me how your Cult/Religon turns out, tell me how many mass suicides there were, and tell me when you get convicted of "Mass Muder".
you're saying atheism is a cult? you're saying atheism has caused mass suicides? you're saying atheism will cause tool to murder masses of people?
bullshit, idiot
That is ignorant. When people always say "I have no religion, I'm not like you." I have said it before and I will say it again, Athieism is a religion, and choosing to believe in nothing is believing in something, nothing.
You can run....but you'll just die tired.
atheism is what most so-called atheists most closely identify with, not believe
for me, i really dont give a shit about any sort of scripture or superstition. does that mean i believe in something when i dont give a shit about anything?
I meant when people claim they hold no beliefs. They say they beieve in nothing. Nothing is something. So if you say you believe in nothing, religious or otherwise, you are contradicting yourself.
You can run....but you'll just die tired.
now you're just going into anal technicalities. besides, i dont believe in nothing. i'm apathetic, like many people out there who call themselves atheists. can you say we all belong to a single religion? if i say i believe that apples are red, i use the phrase "i believe...". does that mean i belong to the church of red apples?
There are a wide variety of apples, most a differant color. If you take a red apple, you don't say that you, believe, it is red. You already know that it is red. If you believe, you guess, and believe that the apple will tast good. Did that make sense?
You can run....but you'll just die tired.
so if i know that this apple is red, does that a religion make?
or does a religion only consist of unproved beliefs
You can only know the apple is red based on your conceptions of the apple. You know the apple is red. It is a fact that the apple is red. It is a belief that God exists. Religions are based on beliefs.
You can run....but you'll just die tired.
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