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Thread: Diablo runs

  1. #1

    Default Diablo runs

    K u know wat is starting to pis me off is when u do a diablo run and right after u unlock all the seals a higher lvl person in ur party will leave and kill diablo then take all the drops i mean even if the drops are crappy u still shouldnt do something like that.

  2. #2


    Why not?

    Hes running the game, killing the monsters, killing diablo. Its common courtesy t give him the drops.

  3. #3
    Cant think of anything L4E's Avatar
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    Jun 2004


    Quote Originally Posted by Irrelevant
    Why not?

    Hes running the game, killing the monsters, killing diablo. Its common courtesy t give him the drops.
    i couldnt agree more. + diablo will barely give u exp, so why would u worry as long as he keeps doing runs?

  4. #4


    i know that seriously piss me off thats why i dont ally higher lvl people than me :)

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by tigeroip
    i know that seriously piss me off thats why i dont ally higher lvl people than me :)
    Do you get glitch rushed ever? Do you chaos for experience ever?

  6. #6


    no no i hate it when that happens when i am chaosing not when i get chaosed noo

  7. #7


    i mean come on say ur going through a game and u are just about to kill d and the highest lvl guy leaves then takes the drops wat if he drops ( but i doubt it) like part of the ik set or the griswold set. who knows

  8. #8


    i hate it when i am running chaos and other high lvls come and steal drops, but as others stated, if the high level is running the runs then they should have first pick of the drops

  9. #9


    Ya i agree but if there not running the game then the drop should split between everyone who helped and by helped i mean dont just stand there and put on an aura or sumthing and say its working. Granted diablo never really drops anything good.

  10. #10
    Fast and Loose hellsing293's Avatar
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    if you mean when you are chaosing other low lvl people then yes i hate that. when i'm on my hammerdin i don't party any other hammers, all others are ok because i can still tele ahead and kill monsters quickly. i found an arach of a storm caster chaosing other day. ussually people do take your drop off diablo, but what i do is if their low lvl i tele and steer diablo in their direction then they die and i kill after lol.
    As long as darkness flows through my veins, I will never cease, As long as my dreams still haunt me, I will never show mercy, and as long as evil lives I will never die.....

  11. #11


    I mean i play a hammerdin but unless ur like a low level like 43 playing on hell doing diablo runs then thats when u might want more than one hammerdin

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