View Poll Results: Which class has the most worthless skill?

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  • Druid - Hunger

    8 8.08%
  • Amazon - Slow Missles

    6 6.06%
  • Assassin - Cobra Strike/Shadow Warrior (not master)

    4 4.04%
  • Paladin - Holy Bolt/Conversion

    13 13.13%
  • Sorc - Blaze

    26 26.26%
  • Barb - Find Potion/Double Throw

    35 35.35%
  • Necro - Weaken/Blood Golem

    7 7.07%
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Results 41 to 60 of 61
  1. #41


    As blood said in at start...conversion no use for it, ive never seen anyone use this skill...I was gonna say find potion, but when you really need a potion, poof there you

  2. #42
    The Immortals FraterPerdurabo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by takesandgoes
    As blood said in at start...conversion no use for it, ive never seen anyone use this skill...I was gonna say find potion, but when you really need a potion, poof there you
    When you ever need a potion, kill a random monster, or two. Chance that they will drop a potion are high. Additionally, it will take you less time to run to town and buy from a npc, rather than switch to that skill.

  3. #43
    Uber Noobling jedimaster86's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FraterPerdurabo
    When you ever need a potion, kill a random monster, or two. Chance that they will drop a potion are high. Additionally, it will take you less time to run to town and buy from a npc, rather than switch to that skill.
    I dunno, it would almost seem to me that Find Potion is quite useful in some circumstances, with a simple point thrown in there. Usually you don't need every single skill point in a build (but if you do and can't afford the point in Find ***, feel free not to spend it), and for example it could be a pretty good support skill in something like a chaos run. If nobody is using a skill that uses corpses (like CE or Redemption or whatever), Find *** also has a nice chance of throwing up a Full Rejuv, something that would usually occur only 3 times or so (if it happens) in a chaos run (unless there are unique monsters in the run too).

  4. #44
    I own you 24/7 style. Loits's Avatar
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    I'd rather be using find item in that case since you can get loads of gold that way. A gf barb can get drops around 100k by using find item.

  5. #45


    Don't most barbs have assloads of life + assloads of leech?

    I don't play barbs enough, but to me find potion just seems unnecessary. With my MF sorc the only time I need to ever restock pots is when i'm selling my junk to ormus.

  6. #46
    Veteran Lynch's Avatar
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    I am going to have to say blaze. Most helpful while running away from monsters may be helpful in normal doubt it thou. I vote blaze.

  7. #47


    I don't get this thread. I was content with letting it die, but for some reason even though nobody posts, it pops back up in my User/CP page...

  8. #48


    it likes to bump itself...and occasionally people think they have something important to say about the matter. i was going to leave it open and let people continue to think their opinions on the subject to matter till people start spamming and crap

  9. #49


    It not on the list but Shockwave from Druid in Bear form is the worst skill imo. Even on open at level 99 (with all other skill 99) its does like 400 damage. It is just usless to me. On the list i would have to say Blaze. Even though i like to use it to mess around it is gay.

  10. #50
    Fast and Loose hellsing293's Avatar
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    i remember in 1.08 i used to see sorcs blaze cows. and holy bolt isn't that bad for a fun char. once i saw a funy char that was a holy bolter and he did some good damage. and it heals lol. only bad side he could only kill the undead.
    As long as darkness flows through my veins, I will never cease, As long as my dreams still haunt me, I will never show mercy, and as long as evil lives I will never die.....

  11. #51
    Veteran Lynch's Avatar
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    Yea, thats definetly a bad side. Also conversion would be fine if it could be used with zeal. You would control something every like 6 or so hits. The time you get it for is pretty much sad but who knows might help some.


  12. #52


    Quote Originally Posted by Gapen
    Druid - Hunger - Never hurts to steal HP... Can heal to full in 1 hit.

    Amazon - Slow Missiles - Can be handy when fighting a LE mob. Easy to dodge the charged bolts, and can be handy in PvP. (Slows down spells as well).

    Assassin - Cobra Strike - Same as Hunger
    - Shadow Warrior - It does everything you do... Can be good.

    Sorceress - Blaze - Shrug, would be nice if it did a bit more damage. Still... upto 12k damage or so at level 20 with Fire Mastery 20.

    Paladin - Holy Bolt - Shrug, maxed along with Blessed Hammer/Fist of the Heavens maxed, and +28 to all skills (Level 48), it does 16k magic damage. Not too horrible.
    - Conversion - Not really that bad. 16 seconds, decent chance.

    Barbarian - Find Potion - Can be quite nice. Plus, it can give full rejuvs.
    - Double Throw - 210% AR, 160% Damage... Could be worse.

    Necromancer - Weaken - What's wrong with 33% damage reduced?
    - Blood Golem - Used to completely own with Iron Maiden, dunno if that still works.

    IMO, the most useless skill is Mind Hammer.
    And to add to this Conversion is used with a V/Ter when they are using FOH.

    But I think blaze is worthless but it is fun to run around with.

  13. #53


    Yeah. I´ve never seen a good, original, worthy use of grim ward. i believe thats the yuckiest

  14. #54


    i also think that mind hammer is the most useless it serves no point

  15. #55


    I would say, slow missiles can be quiete usefull!!! lets say .. bow/jav ama vs firesorc ? slow missiles would be godlike to use here

  16. #56


    Blaze, Other then it looking cool

    Additional Comment:
    Quote Originally Posted by SuparH.JoinT
    I would say, slow missiles can be quiete usefull!!! lets say .. bow/jav ama vs firesorc ? slow missiles would be godlike to use here
    A skilled fire fb sorc can use slow missles against you
    Last edited by ghammer; 07-22-2006 at 02:20 PM. Reason: [Automerged Doublepost]

  17. #57
    ***** Elder Darkemperor121's Avatar
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    i think blaze cuz its so hard to kill people with it and it doesnt do enough damage

  18. #58


    dual eth lacerator barbs are the shit. with double throw back in .10 i seen them do majoorrrr damage

  19. #59
    Forum Elder slimp's Avatar
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    almost everyone of these skills were used, until 1.10 came out.

  20. #60


    i dont ever remember mind blast being used though, like i said most useless

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