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  1. #1

    Post God talk. Do YOU believe in God? What do you think?

    I was just wondering what everyone's thoughts on a higher being in life are. I'm a Christian and loving it but i was wondering what people around the internet were thinking. My god is awesome and i want everyone to know him but what are your ideas.... Post here but no flaming please. Just opinions. Lets keep it clean. This is just a discussion :)

  2. #2
    Jenova Clone SpoonMan999's Avatar
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    My god is Maynard James Keenan...cause music is all I really have

    "I'm not a geek, I'm just coolness challenged."

  3. #3
    ***** Slave Nubli's Avatar
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    I'm not religous in anyway, but I'm not Atheist. More or less, I'm a scientific evolution believer. The big-bang theory is just as wacky as some supreme being appearing up in space.

  4. #4
    Jenova Clone SpoonMan999's Avatar
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    Well I do believe there is a god...I just think he doesn't care and I don't believe in the's flawed cause it's written by man...and as for organized religon I think that it was one of man kinds biggest mistakes...too many people have died over religon...

    "I'm not a geek, I'm just coolness challenged."

  5. #5
    ***** Ancient CheshireCat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SpoonMan999
    ...too many people have died over religon...
    Very true, in ancient Rome, christians were slaughtered daily, 1000 years ago christians killed thousands os muslims, moors, and saracens, 150 years ago, christians murdered people believed to be witches, and today there is the fight between Isreal and Palistine, which has lasted hundreds of years, not to mention all of the terrorist attacks on us "infidels".

    Religion is too flawed for me to have any part in it.

  6. #6


    the bible actually never contradicts itself. it was written by diciples about what they were taught from jesus. religions are the anesthetic to the real thing. following one certain way won't make it all good. its what brings nations apart. god is the same in every religion so why fight? thats my opinion.

    as for your reply [not]nublitoria, i think thats very true. you need something that feels real before you can follow it. its an individual journey, but one we take together and if you don't understand and feel it then of course you wouldnt go for it. i totally get ya. look up christianity and read about it. its actually very factual and there are a lot of facts to prove that jesus was real. one fact is that scholars back then weren't that smart to be talking in the way that they were, could it only be through god and jesus that they were able to obtain a higher level of understanding? if you need anymore facts (in my eyes, doesn't have to be in yours its cool ) i can help you out with my opinion

    in response to cheshirecat's post. it was basically everyone's fault. not one group of people. the bible does not say to kill or force beliefs, its the ones who manipulate the book for their own evil doing that are the ones that give religion a bad name. if you look christianity up its much different now. that was only one case of killings. it's really not like that at all. everyone accepts each other now.

  7. #7
    Jenova Clone SpoonMan999's Avatar
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    We'd like to think that we're all accepting but whether you don't like rap or you hate Jews we all have something we don't for religon I think it's better to contrive facts and beliefs from the different groups and have your own opinion...
    "I think it's better to have ideas is all" I think people need to stop trying to be the ideal person and just be a person...

    "I'm not a geek, I'm just coolness challenged."

  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by SpoonMan999
    I think people need to stop trying to be the ideal person and just be a person...
    thats very true. it even says that in the bible. thats why we are forgiven for our sins. no matter how good we do, we are human. just believing in jesus saves us from hell.

    i think ppl have made believing in god sound bad as well. like i've seen ppl on the street going, "DO YOU BELIEVE IN GOD.!! IF YOU DON'T YOURE GOING TO HELL" and thats just wrong because no ones gonna wanna talk to you if you're just judging them. thats not for us to do, thats for the dude upstairs to decide. look into it and see what i mean if you want

  9. #9
    ***** Slave Nubli's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eternity

    I hate assholes who say that.

  10. #10
    Jenova Clone SpoonMan999's Avatar
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    Well said Nub...well said lol...

    "I'm not a geek, I'm just coolness challenged."

  11. #11
    The One and Only
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    jesus is just some man who wanted to change the way ppl thought , hes no1 special

  12. #12
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    im basically the exact same as nub, i beleive in a higher power who doesnt interfere, as time goes on, religion changes and people come up with new religions to fit the current time, also, catholics are jackasses, the pop and religious leaders in the vatican didnt admit to the Sun being the center of the Solar system until 1992(ignorant ******), the bible states that we were created specially and that the Earth is the center of all, well guess what christians, its not true :S satellites proved you guys wrong, who knows what the next religion will be, but im sure it will have a gigantic group of drooling *** holes following it because they cant live knowing that there may not be a land with golden roads and marshmellow grass with angels bouncing around doign gymnastics..

    P.S wow im glad i dont waste my money on tithe

  13. #13
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    I only believe in myself. :)

  14. #14
    ***** Slave Nubli's Avatar
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    Another thing that pisses me off is when I get in a religous discussion with an old friend. He is like 110% Christian, and I actually let him explain all the history on it one night (took a few hours too ) and whenever he said something that was challenging, I pounced on him. He would come back with an equally smart reaction like he's practiced this before. Then he would challenge me on something and I would do the same back to him. I really think he is trying to 'convert' me =) He says God first reached him when he was at summer camp, staring at a fire. He heard a powerful message (some church/Christian summer camp) and said that God has reached into his heart and talked to him... Oh boy, real balony I thought. But I dont know. It hasnt happened to me, and I have 0% proof that there is a supreme being or heaven or hell... The only proof we have is scientific, and that's what I follow. Plus it's interesting =)

  15. #15
    Uber Noobling jedimaster86's Avatar
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    i believe i do believe in higher powers, besides the aliens that are wathching us and laughing about how primative we human beings are, but i'm not one of those religious people who really like to discuss religious matters. i have a friend, or perhaps a couple, who are pretty big religious people, but we don't usually talk about that kind of stuff. i, like nub, am more of a kind of person who believes everything can be described in a scientific matter, and everything has its place. thats probably why i loved studying the scientific revolution. but i dont go around flaming other religions (i'm half christian-half jewish) so its all cool

  16. #16
    ***** Slave Nubli's Avatar
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    How about them half jewish/half nazi people? I heard somewhere that Hitler was part jew... =D

  17. #17
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    [QUOTE=cheshirecat] and today there is the fight between Isreal and Palistine, which has lasted hundreds of years, not to mention all of the terrorist attacks on us "infidels"[QUOTE]

    Israel only became an official country in 1948, and the earliest "terrorist attacks" were commited by jewish terrorists in the mid 40's. Namely organizations called the Stern Gang and the Irgun. The actual arab israeli conflict is only around 60 years old. Throughout history the two lived in peace, its only post world war 2 that it really became heated, and its not really a religious thing that started it. Sure nowadays it is still going on because of religion, but originally it was all political.

    I have a big problem with organized religion, i hate all the damn rules and regulations it tries to force on people, I dont consider trying to make people feel guilty about their natural instincts a good thing. Plus reading the history of the catholic church for example just increases my contempt for it.

    But at the same time i do believe faith and religion are different things. And since faith is an important part of humanity i do understand why it needs to exist. The problems arise when organizations try to control it.

  18. #18
    Jenova Clone SpoonMan999's Avatar
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    Very well stated...I couldn't have said it better...and I agree with it completely

    "I'm not a geek, I'm just coolness challenged."

  19. #19


    This thread is a bit old, but I had to reply. My opinion on religion is that it is a way for people to maniplulate others. This is my opinion and I don't try to convert people to my point of view. I respect other people's religions, whether or not they like my views.

  20. #20
    Uber Noobling jedimaster86's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by [not]nublitoria
    How about them half jewish/half nazi people? I heard somewhere that Hitler was part jew... =D
    yes i believe hitler's grandmother was jewish,or part jewish, so i guess this would make hitler a bit of jewish as well....i brought back the ducky *squeek* *squeek*

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