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Ok, I'm going to post a biograph about a person i made who is in war. and you rate it 1-10
Heres what I have so far:
1/24/2002 - Field:
I'm in the field, talking to my girlfriend, she says, "I want this day to never go away. I want you to be with me. I'll never leave you."... We arrive home. about 3 weeks pass. (The door slams open as I sit on the bench) "TELL ME YOU DIDN'T DO ME!! PLEASE! TELL ME!", she says, "what? what?" I reply, she slaps me, "OH GOD OH GOD OH GOD!!!!", she says sobbing. I sigh, "OF ALL PEOPLE I THOUGHT YOU WOULD BE THE ONLY ONE TO UNDERSTAND!!! I DID IT FOR US! I THOUGHT IT WOULD HELP YOU, AND ME!"... About 2 weeks later, I arrive at camp. The hair cutter shaves my hair. I look back, and I see 5 busses, and a line of people.
2/29/2002 - Battle Field - Iraq:
I put on my battle suit. Gernads, Auto-Matic Rifle, Smoke bombs, a helmet, and some other stuff. I arrive at the battle field, coming down the rope I slip but catch it just in time. I go, following the tank, 4 people on the right and 4 people on the left. I hear a loud sound. I'm soon blown in the air. Afrade, scared, and confused. I get up, "GO GO GO!" a demolitions man says. I hurry back, an RPG hits my best friend. I cover behing a brick pillar. I look around it, awaiting for what happens next. I turn back. I hope that I get home alive. -to be continued.