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  1. #1

    Default question on wep switch

    Hey im having a problem when i get the bot started it does everything till it gets to wp but then it says that i must have another skill selected for weapon switch which i have smite on F8 for cta and Hammers F1 with hoto but it still says that what am i doing wrong?

  2. #2


    Your post is hard to understand but, you if on cta Bo and Bc are F8 and F9 and on hoto smite is F8 it won't work, so you have to give each skill a separate button regardless of wep switch. So smite should always be F5 or whatever on both wep switches and etc.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2006


    Make your HotO have hammers on lits left click and CtA have normal attack not smite on the left click. The right click for CtA could be BO or w/e. Set these before you run the bot, they will stay the default.

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