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  1. #1
    The Metal Man UltimateHacker$'s Avatar
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    Default bomination thread

    ok, in this thread, it's a bar where EVERYBODY is so drunk, they fight.
    (EG: bob says: oy usp obb2)
    (EG: bob2 throws a beer glass at bob and breaks a brick on his head)

    ok, you can use any weapon, build any damage doen to the bar is auto-maticly repaired be a magical force... lol
    just drink and talk until ur too drunk and then fight:

    *sets up a table with 90 beers on it*
    *sets up a sighn infront of the door witch says: DRINKS ON THE HOUSE!*

  2. #2


    What is this? Like the pams bar and the hotel darrrock????
    Another copy? Why don't you post like normal ppl do??

  3. #3
    The Metal Man UltimateHacker$'s Avatar
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    no its not, its not even a hotel or a bar, it's my basement of my 2002 house, oh and bye the way, i don't copy pam's bar, it's tight but i don't like the idea of it

  4. #4
    The One | The Only Z3R0's Avatar
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    In your closet.


    Ok, basicly, this is the same thing as the hotel that you made. Why are you so persistant? I understand that you just want to make a new thread and you want it to be popular, but it won't be because we already have Pam's.

    You can run....but you'll just die tired.

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