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  1. #1

    Default SOB-SlayersOfBaal-Clan Recruting

    Hello future clan members,

    The clan was just started by 2 guys ME (Ronny) an my friend (Tim), later a 3 member joind (Tomas). We are all from belgium so we play in the Europe realm. We are simple a group of players young and old from over all europe and even from america who just wanna have fun playing diablo and climb the ladder. We all play in the EUROPE-REALM.

    We are working on a web-site that will we ready soon (I hope) butt that dosn't mean you can't join now. Butt we do have a clan-channel, you can join it iff you have any questions, or when you join. the channel is "op GodFather_SOB".

    Will you join, then we will gladley help you with boosting your new char's. So that you don't have to start all over on a slow rate. We have some items for new clan members. .

    Just check it out and let me know in on my account in diablo.
    Or mail me at my e-mail ([email protected]).

    I hope to hear from al of you who reads this to have some good questions and then that you join so our clan can become a strong and proud clan.

    Greets By SlayersOfBaal!!!!!!!!!!

  2. #2
    The Immortals FraterPerdurabo's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2005


    Not interested in joining, but is SoB up for a clanwar?

    Clan AOL 2v2, 3v3, we could get someone else for 4v4 as well.

    Whisp us *AOL-Frater or *dmngd if interested.

    Europe Ladder SC.

  3. #3

    Default SOB-Rules

    Hello ALL,

    iff been thinking it will be mutch easyer for everybody iff i just post our rules on the forum.

    So here they are,


    Like any other clan here are some rules, let me tell you what I mean


    -You account name has to end with _SOB.
    -You char name has to end with _SOB.
    -It has to be original.
    (Try using a gods name, just dont use names like mr-nextdoor or something Stupid like that!)
    -Fairplay is very important to us.
    -No stealing money from your clan members.
    -Be willing to mule and boost you clan members in a fair a respect full way.
    -If you find good items check your clan members if they need something. We dont trade in the clan we GIVE, this dont mean that you have to give your best items away so you cant trade outside the clan. Butt, ask your clan members what they need, and let them know what you need. Members who give a lot receive a lot.

    *What we recommend you to do is make 2 accounts, 1 for playing and 1 for trading? We will boost your trade account to hell so you can trade optimal.

    *When you play quests like the countess (act1 quest4) and mephistos soulstone (act4 quest2), and you need help ask ONE clan member to help so you get your rune and you gems. That way everybody get what he normally gets. (This is the FAIRPLAY we mean.)

    *If everybody keeps to those rules then there will be no problems, and we will come out strong all over the EUROPE-realm, they will not see us as friends, not as an army, butt as a FAMILY, and that thats the most dangerous clan.

    Hope this will be more helpfull.

    Greets the SlayesOfBaal!!!!!!!

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