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  1. #1

    Default help here about diablo skin...

    i'll get to the point.. how can i get the new skin of the status bar in diablo II LOD where the stats and skills buttons are lined up with the potions..?? actually i am playing right now diablo II LOD.. but the skin of the status bar doesnt change...please help me..,

  2. #2


    i dont quite understad what you mean, if you mean the buttons that come up when you press that small triangle they have never lined up with the potions, if you mean the buttons that open the skills and attribute point windows you need to swap your resolution too 800x600 or they will not come up.

  3. #3


    the buttons that makes the skills come up.. where can i change the resolution of the windows then??.. and also thanks for the help..

  4. #4


    press exit, then options and just fool around there u will get it

  5. #5


    right click your desktop, go to properties, settings, and change your screen resolution

  6. #6


    nah blood he needs to do it in game or it wont effect the screen settings, the layouts different in 800x600. Im assuming he only just purchased a copy of LoD since this wasn't available in classic

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