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  1. #1

    Default whats the point of open?

    OMG i just had to get this out I HATE OPEN there is no point to it at all....u make ur crap and hope sum1 doest make sumthin better its SO gay plz post ur opinions on this

  2. #2


    if you dont like it, dont play reason to cry about it

  3. #3

    Default queer?

    are you one of those ****** that plays it? cuz i no ur gay cuz ur always a smartas*

  4. #4


    wow...less than 20 posts and already trying to make enemies with staff members...very intelligent of you

  5. #5


    im just sayin uve been mean to me everytime i talked to u....

  6. #6


    because you post crap like this, you dont look before you ask questions, and you've already PMed me twice about the same stupid questions that you could have looked around the site to find answers too.

    ask a stupid question, get a stupid answer. now stop being a little *****. damn your a crybaby

  7. #7


    see wut i mean?

  8. #8
    GFX Freak And ***** FrogMan's Avatar
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    Well this is the steam room... fire at will.

    As far open goes i am going to have to agree with blood if you don't like it dont play it, i guess its more of a testing ground for builds/gear stuff like that.

    Please vote for us, it takes you 5 seconds.

  9. #9


    yea i understand that if i dont like it dont use it...i waaz just tryin to start a thread which sum wut failed and suceeded

  10. #10


    i never said you were wrong, i'm just saying you deserve it

    getting back on topic, open is a great place to test things out with editors...but other than that i agree it is pointless....however i am not going to make a thread to cry about how much i hate it. it doesnt bother me one bit that other people play it

  11. #11


    ok my bad for bein a *****...

  12. #12
    amazing DiGiTaLiS's Avatar
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    it's for like testing characters and other shit. Also there is this shit like mock pi or funky pi w/e where theres these crazy duelers... you gotta be like smart to do it which i'm not so i never got into it.

  13. #13
    Tech Elder The Mob's Avatar
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    open to me is for people with bad internet connections.. but everyone now has cable so i guess its only existance is what you guys mentioned
    US East L/NL-arowws4 arowws5 uber/organ runs for free. Free items too. Just ask. Must be member of this site.

  14. #14


    Open's for testing out editors, mods, and hacks.
    Oh and yeah the servers are filled with non-legit players.

  15. #15


    lets all stop spamming by repeating exactly what everyone else said, kthnxbai?

  16. #16


    i think some people like to cheat, because if u look at it the only difference between open and closed is in open u can hack and cheat , on closed u cannot hack (well, not without running risk of gettin banned). so open is basicly where the cheaters are, i guess

  17. #17


    i hate people like this...

  18. #18


    open is also a place where banned closed people go to have fun... i was banned from closed and now i use open

  19. #19
    Grim Reaper wm_hunter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bloodangel26
    lets all stop spamming by repeating exactly what everyone else said, kthnxbai?
    lets all stop spamming by not making spam posts, ok mr staff member?

    its flame forums

    The good thing about open no one has mentioned is you can't be banned for using hacks (at least I have never heard anyone that has) so a lot of people have some hardcore stuff they run on open and have a blast.

  20. #20
    Forum Elder slimp's Avatar
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    Salem, Oregon


    luckily there are still retarded people on these forums. Open is cool for some people, people with lives. No offence to all of you hardcore diablo 2 fans who play this game everyday, but for the gamer with not much time, it's a lot of fun to actually sit down, make yourself some super armor and go DUEL. atleast that's what my dad thinks. I think Open is just a hackfest, whoever spends the most time figuring out what all the hacks mean makes the best items. If you've just been ****ed over on d2 or don't want to play d2 much anymore but still want to have a bit of fun with it, open is your place. I have only spent a few hours on open but i can say from experience, sometimes it's fun to make lvl 600 holy shock/conviction/cold aura armor and just see what you can and can't kill. I know this is a bit of a ramble but i'm just going a bit into detail. What else is open? okay... hackfest for serious gamers, little fun for old/timeless gamers, and a testground for those damn hardcore gamers to see if a barb with 600 strength and 40 vit can kill anything, or if an amazon can use a sword...

    sorry about that. I'm done.

    Edit : oh and BloodAngel I was gaining some respect for you until you said Kthanksbai... atleast spell bye right :'(
    Last edited by slimp; 07-09-2006 at 04:22 PM.

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