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  1. #1

    Default What does this BNET error message mean?

    Your connection has been temporarily restricted from this realm. Please try to log in at another time.

    What in the world is this error message caused by? Me and my friend have gotten it the past two mornings around the same time. It shows up at the character screen when you try to log in to your account, and I've never seen it before. We are on a network, so I thought maybe that had something to do with our connection, but I cant figure it out.. Is the server down.. or what? I'm just curious what it means.

  2. #2
    Cant think of anything L4E's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2004


    its a realm down in 1.11

  3. #3
    Forum Member chicken-nuggets_ARE_TASTY's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    in the outer heavens


    what realm cuz yesterday some guy came into west and said,i quote from him
    "damn east is down"

  4. #4


    that message means exactly what it have been temporarily restricted from connecting

  5. #5
    amazing DiGiTaLiS's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Des Plaines, Illinois


    youre temp banned from diablo. it can be from exiting and entering the char selection screen to quickly. happens to me all the time

  6. #6


    IP ban. Try to unplug the modem and try to re-connect and it should be gone.

  7. #7


    If your botting and you get it, you can expect a 12 hour restriction.

  8. #8
    Forum Member modulus's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Canada, Québec, Montréal


    Here is a quote from Blizzard's online support page from:

    We are aware players may be experiencing technical difficulties while using Diablo II or Diablo II: Lord of Destruction. Players have reported their service will suddenly become interrupted during game play and are then unable to log back on to the server as they receive the message “Your connection has been temporarily restricted from this realm. Please try to log in at another time.” These messages may appear as a result of:
    • Rapidly connecting and disconnecting to
      • This is generally caused by connection or networking issues. If you are disconnected, we suggest you wait 5-10 minutes before reconnecting to
      • You can check our Connection Issues page for help with disconnections.
    • Creating or joining numerous games within a short time period
      • Common causes include muling, magic finding, Baal/Pindleskin runs, and in some cases rapid actions within the game itself. If you stay in each game longer you should be able to avoid the restriction. Generally 10 minutes per game is fine.
      • Rapidly swapping characters in and out of games.
    • By the use of “add-on programs"
      • Users must refrain from using any sort of “add-ons” or third party programs meant to interface or be run with the game on Use of such programs is a violation of the Terms of Use and in addition to a restriction from may also result in your account and CD-Key being permanently banned.
      • Use of common programs can cause undocumented problems while playing on It is recommended that you close as many running applications as possible before playing.
    • Chat channel abuse
      • Chat channel abuse can be characterized by any action deemed inappropriate or harmful to others or to the stability of the servers themselves.
      • This includes spamming, advertising websites, harassment, among other Terms of Use violations.
      • We recommend you read and understand the Terms of Use as well as the Terms of Use FAQ.
    • Failed login attempts
      • This commonly includes attempting to connect to multiple times while using an invalid CD-Key or account password. As a security precaution the server will automatically restrict you after too many failed attempts.
      • If you are having problems logging in to your account please visit the Password Recovery page to help explain the options for recovering your account. For various CD-Key issues please visit the CD-Key section of the support site.
    This is a temporary restriction and it should automatically release itself after a predetermined amount of time. Each restriction is different and lengths are dependant upon the severity of the violation. If you find that your play style includes creating multiple games in a short period of time, please try reducing the number of games you create. This is also a realm specific error so you may find yourself being able to connect to the other 3 realms as well as Open and Single Player.

    If your temporary restriction lasts longer than 3 days please contact us by using our webform and include your account name, realm, and a time frame of how long you have been experiencing this issue. Please be aware that we are not able to remove these restrictions.
    That should answer your question.

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