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  1. #1

    Default working dupe method leaked? inside

    OK before reading any further...if i am doing something wrong by posting this...mods tell me and i will remove it. i do not want to get banned. and second of all...i have NO idea if it works (it probly doesnt) i just found it on a site.

    I got this from another site...its called D2Leaks or somethign...this is what the owner had to say:
    Welcome to D2leaks

    Every so often I will Leak a Dupe method, And a New hack.

    Here you will find many dupe methods, hacks, bots, and more. I will start to add a collection of files and info that I collected here.

    This site will not stay free for long. Anyone who will pay 5$ I will Leak to you all the dupe methods I have tried most with 70%-80% success rate. (15+ dupes 4 I use myself)

    April 1, 05- Maphack/Chicken Dupe

    Person with chicken: Player A
    Friend: Player B

    Tested and working on west but wasnt tested on east.

    Heres how its done.

    1. load up your maphack configuration file and change all the chicken values
    that are defaulted to 0 to something about your hp. Like if you have 800
    life set it for 900 and so on.

    2. load up d2

    3 create a game and have a friend join

    4. both of you go stand right near the edge of town.

    5. As the person with the chicken on is leaving town the other person in the
    game clicks to trade with him.

    6. if the accept trade dialog is up as you ran out of town, the game will
    drop and boom rollback.

    A. Have yourself set for walk and your friend set for run that way he can
    catch you on your way out of town.

    B makes game, A & C enter
    A drops items, C picks items up
    C exits game
    A sets chicken over life, and loads oneside
    A and B go to edge of town
    B trades with A, A walks out
    C and A should have items

  2. #2


    Way to make it so people have to highlite it just to read it, highly doubt this will work

  3. #3


    Well I dont think that it will work besides this I have heard that blizzard bans people who rollback the servers immediately.But I might give it a try...

  4. #4


    No way this will work nothing that will lag the system so much that it will cause a rollback

  5. #5
    Veteran DjRex's Avatar
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    Aug 2004


    This dupe is from 09 and DOES NOT WORK!!

  6. #6


    Lol yah, doesnt work!

  7. #7
    CS1.6/D2 fanatic TyKe's Avatar
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    Nov 2004
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    Quote Originally Posted by DjRex
    This dupe is from 09 and DOES NOT WORK!!
    This dupe method is an 09 dupe, it will not work.

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