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  1. #1

    Unhappy question may req. MAJUR HELP!

    hey, i know this may require some major help or maybe it can be answered quickly but...

    i need to buy a new computer, probably for christmas (with my money--im not richy rich) but i dont know what to buy or if i should get a custom one which i have no idea how to do :\ (heh) wil it cost a whole bunch of money or can i get a somewhat cheap one but still good in terms of functionality...i will probablay only use it for diablo2 and basic internet stuff you know (like postin forums) and maybe some other games WoW maybe...but i need help...major help...thnx in advance to anyone who can help with this major problem of mine (my computer blows in every way )(family computer)

  2. #2
    Senior Member Arc's Avatar
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    if you want a good computer for a reasonable price, build it yourself, buy the parts seperately b/c stores have costs added and markup and stuff, my computer cost me about 1700 to make myself and if u were to buy one like it in the store its easily over 2300 dollars, for what u want your computer to do 512mb ram is good, a decent motherboard, dont need a videocard if u get a good enough motherboard with onboard video, cpu get like an AMD Athlon 2800+ really nice low cost motherboard

  3. #3
    Forum Member
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    if you dont know about parts dont build a comp.... chances of it messing up and you not knowing what to do are high.
    go to bestbuy they offer great deals on a comp.. a comp that can play d2 and run the internet... if thats all you need it for..
    i saw one the other day.. flat panel and a mini tower a nice stable comp for only 400 bucks..

  4. #4
    Senior Member Arc's Avatar
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    are u serious???? only 400 man the monitor itself is probably like 600 phone and see if that was a typo or something thats crazy

    also you dont have to build it, you can buy the parts seperately, then any computer store can assemble it for you for about an hours labour depending on how busy they are prices range from 20-50 dollars an hour for a computer tech

  5. #5
    Forum Member
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    San Diego


    yeah it was about 375 but after main in rebates.. so you would first pay like 450-475 and then just get that back... but bestbuy always has good specials.. frys is better though
    thats frys website.

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