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  1. #1
    Veteran omgbbq's Avatar
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    Default wind druids vs trapsins

    hurricane druid with tornado with full equip vs lightning sentry assasin with full equip, who will win?

  2. #2


    it always goes down to the persons skill

    ive built a trapsin and ive built a druid...and trapsin would have a bit of a advantage over druids cuz they can range. although ive killed trapsins with my druid and lost to it too. vice versa. its always skills that matter most im sure everybody would agree
    Last edited by XKazeCloudX; 07-19-2006 at 06:09 AM.

  3. #3
    Senior Member Arc's Avatar
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    windy will pwn, even if tha assassin used mb if the druid is good and has fhr breakpoint(which they should) will pwn the assassin

  4. #4
    The Immortals FraterPerdurabo's Avatar
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    You guys are wrong. Trapsins are always, always much better than Wind Druids. If both had low-end equipment, the Druid could win, if both are equally skilled and have high-end/perfect equipment, the odds are 90/10 for a Trapper. Simply, because Druid's frames are really, really slow. You can either go for 163%fcr and 99%fhr, or 99%fcr and 174%fcr, and it's still too slow. There really isn't much that you can do. Alternatively, you can use Doom and have 99/99, however, the Trapsin still has the advantage.

    Also, depends on the build. Trappers with shields are generally easier, but the ones with Claw Block are near impossible. Trappers and hybrid sins are the druid's greatest enemies.

    Of course, I am speaking in terms of equal skill. You can go to a pub and own some rookie assassins, but in a clanwar in a 1v1 situation, your chances are dire.

  5. #5


    Ele druid, because he's smart and puts on sorb.

  6. #6


    im gonna go with ele druid because if u play your druid smart u can get the assassin to lay a trap in the wrong place and just tele right in and finish her off. Been there and done that 100s of times

  7. #7
    Veteran omgbbq's Avatar
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    ur sure about this? cause then im gonna make a trapsin cause only fraters opinion matters :P

  8. #8


    lol bbq did u just answer to a year old thread?

    but anyways. i dont really duel in a clan so theres no official rules or anything. i just join the. duelzzzzzzz games. and usualy most people bm and sorb. so it really makes no fun for sins =[. there is countless times (like today..and yesterday with my friend trapper...) where i see a character being mb and 5 lightning is going through him in a second and its losing about 50 health. just totally i jumped in and spamed a few tornadoes and it died and the sorber said "wtf 2 vs 1" . so i suggest wind druid. cuz no sorb. at least u would DO damage to players when u hit them..

    but im very sure trappers will be great when they dont bm.

  9. #9
    Veteran omgbbq's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by XKazeCloudX View Post
    lol bbq did u just answer to a year old thread?

    but anyways. i dont really duel in a clan so theres no official rules or anything. i just join the. duelzzzzzzz games. and usualy most people bm and sorb. so it really makes no fun for sins =[. there is countless times (like today..and yesterday with my friend trapper...) where i see a character being mb and 5 lightning is going through him in a second and its losing about 50 health. just totally i jumped in and spamed a few tornadoes and it died and the sorber said "wtf 2 vs 1" . so i suggest wind druid. cuz no sorb. at least u would DO damage to players when u hit them..

    but im very sure trappers will be great when they dont bm.
    yes because blizzsector is DEAD.

  10. #10
    ***** Elder BewarethePhoenix's Avatar
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    Blizzsector is dead? How do you figure? Oh and IMO wind druid pwns trapsin...

  11. #11
    ***** Elder BrioCloud's Avatar
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    Actually, with a bit more dueling. Most non-noob trapsins will beat a druid. Like Frater said, the druids cast rate is too slow, teleing ontop of the trapsin is not an option. The trapsins mindblasts you and your just dead. Trying to snipe tornadoes is too slow.
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