Greetings everyone.

Problem: Often my character fails to hit the target.

I explain.
- Patch 1.11B.
- LoD.
- D2Loader (11 Nov 2005)
- DirectDraw.
- Sting's MapHack 2.24.
- No mods.
- Single player.
- Nightmare Diff.
- Act 1.
- Assassin character (a Martial Arts build).

I first noticed this problem in Normal Diff, but I thought it was
mainly because of my poor Attack Rating.
With more Claw Mastery points I have increased the AR, and
things have apparently become easier.
Yet there still was the occasional long series of "miss" (from 4 to
6 consecutive) when swinging my claws to hit the enemy.

I may be a rookie, but I think that now that I'm in Nightmare and
have built an AR well above 2200 I should at least be granted
nearly 100% chances to hit a stupid Fallen in Act 1.
Especially now that I can make extended use of Phoenix Strike
and its 3rd charge to freeze packs.

I noticed that when the Chaos Ice Bolt freezes something I am
often unable to hit the passive monster. Why??
(this also happens with slow moving targets, such as zombies)

I have made a few quick tests.
If after I freeze someone with Chaos Ice Bolt I click to attack him
my Assassin won't hit him at all until the freeze goes away and
the monster returns to move (he gets the first hit, the moment
he thaws and can move).
Even by looking at the animation there is something wrong.
The tip of the claws are always too far away from the monster.
No wonder I can't hit him, but why my Assassin keeps such a distance?
Things are different if I manage to maneuver to get closer to the
frozen dude before he thaws. When I do, it's always 100% hits.

Besides being rather annoying to be forced to maneuver instead
of focusing directly on the attack, this problem nullifies the tactical
advantage of freezing a pack of monsters. Because by the time I
move (trying to click without triggering an attack) and actually kill
the 1st target, the other frozen monsters will thaw.

Anyone else has experienced this?
I've searched for an explanation, but this seems a problem nobody has posted about anywhere, so far.

The problem seems to be that my character doesn't get close
enough before attacking. What can I do?

Thanks In Advance.
Ciao ciao : )