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  1. #1

    Default EAST SCL Dueling Tournament Round 1

    I will repost the rules first so that everyone is clear:
    1. No flaming/taunting. We're all friends and want to have a good time.
    2. No town-guarding, naked killing, or any other kind of bad manners.
    3. Mana pots are allowed, but health and rejuvs are not.
    5. You may not switch gear between duels. Meaning you cannot stack up resists and absorbs for a certain character. You may start with any resists and absorb you want, but cannot change between duels.
    6. All duels will be held in Hell Act1 Blood Moor and must be officiated by myself or a volunteer staff memeber of this site.
    7. No running away to town. You may "strategically retreat" as long as you stay in the Blood Moor.
    8. All duels will be best two out of three.
    9. To start the duel, both parties must say they are ready and then the ref will say GO.
    10. If someone lags really bad and you kill them, you may offer a rematch if you wish. But you are under no obligation to do so.
    11. NO HACKS OF ANY KIND. You may not use maphack, autoaim, farcast, or anything else. LEGIT DUELS ONLY.
    12. If a match isn't going anywhere, the ref may declare it a draw and you will be able to heal and get ready again. If a match is declared a draw, you must still win best out of three games. If it takes more than 3 games to get a winner, so be it. Couple examples: 2 games declared draw, person A wins third game, person A is the winner. A wins duel one, duel two is a draw, and person B wins duel three there woudl be a fourth duel to declare the winner.

    Now here are the randomly generated rankings. Shift rolled the dice for me so blame him:
    1. Bloodangel26-SteamRoomFlamer(Bloodangel06)
    2. Darkemperor121-Core_primepks(Darkemperor121)
    3. xtalicx(Swoop20)
    4. Mr.RuthMN-Dustoid4-TheOnlyLegitZon(Mr.RuthMN)
    5. kuri- Bulk(Kuri.)

    6. FrogMan-gjphillips (tipes_druid)
    7. Shift- Shift_Hammerdin(Fmx_Kid10)
    8. 1337-orange-Final_Command (1337_Orange)
    9. ID_IK(The-God2)
    10. digitalis- holyxfoh (digitalis3)

    Due to the fact that a 10 person bracket is pretty weird, I will announce both Rounds 1 and 2 now.

    ROUND 1.
    digitalis- holyxfoh (digitalis3) vs Shift- Shift_Hammerdin(Fmx_Kid10). Winner will face Bloodangel26-SteamRoomFlamer(Bloodangel06)
    1337-orange-Final_Command (1337_Orange) vs ID_IK(The-God2). Winner wil face Darkemperor121-Core_primepks(Darkemperor121)

    ROUND 2.
    kuri- Bulk(Kuri.) vs Mr.RuthMN-Dustoid4-TheOnlyLegitZon(Mr.RuthMN)
    xtalicx(Swoop20) vs FrogMan-gjphillips (tipes_druid)
    Last edited by Bloodangel26; 07-21-2006 at 04:18 AM. Reason: [Automerged Doublepost]

  2. #2
    The Immortals Dan's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2005


    kuri we are all waitin for u

  3. #3
    ***** Elder Shift's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2005


    Everyone participating, the duels will start when you get on, most likely people will be in Op BzsBaal, so go in there first, otherwise, whisper Blood and he will say otherwise.

  4. #4


    RESULTS SO FAR: In round 1 action, 1337-orange took down ID_IK quickly in 2 fights. Digitalis also quickly overcame Shift in 2 fights(poor shift was a victim of the dice and lag), but lost to the mighty SteamRoomFlamer in a very hard fought 3 matches. Round 1 is now complete and Round 2 has 3 matches left
    Last edited by Bloodangel26; 07-21-2006 at 07:48 AM.

  5. #5
    Forum Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2006


    i need dools
    gd's zon

    gieb tha sexybtals blood!

  6. #6


    more action: kuri defeats ruthmn's cs zon 2-0 and in an interesting same char matchup, darkemperor defeated 1337-orange 2-0. still waiting on xtalicx to show up to face frogman so we can advance to the quarterfinals

  7. #7
    amazing DiGiTaLiS's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Des Plaines, Illinois


    you're mine next time blood! you haven't seen the last of me!!

  8. #8
    Forum Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2006


    stop bannin me
    i got unable to connect bcuz of it ~.~

  9. #9
    ***** Elder Shift's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2005


    And finally, swoop and frog were on at the same time, and frog gor beat by swoop in a close duel. Now we need the other contestants, if they werent banned, to come back and finish this tourny.

  10. #10


    with that match finally completed, our final 4 are Bloodangel26-SteamRoomFlamer(Bloodangel06), kuri- Bulk(Kuri.), xtalicx(Swoop20), and Darkemperor121-Core_primepks(Darkemperor121). good luck in the quarterfinals! to be posted shortly

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