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  1. #21
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Sydney, Australia


    what should I do when facing physical immune?
    switch to weapons that have magical dmg?? eg. lightsabre

  2. #22
    The One and Only
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    hmm if u want a good druid build it does NOT contain the skill rabies . with the druid ur planning to make u wont be able to own 1 monster on its own in hell let alone a big group . i would suggest becoming a fury druid altho u dont seem to hav the items required.

  3. #23
    Forum Elder
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    on the streets wandering about


    i jus g2 say that bonehew IS REALLY GOOD 4 a shapeshift Druid

  4. #24


    u guys got any good fury druid build guide ro v1.10?

  5. #25
    Forum Elder
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    Mar 2004
    on the streets wandering about


    i have one but in somewhere in my comp 4 a feral rage druid

  6. #26
    Forum Member
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    Sydney, Australia



    The stars are supposed to say g.e.o.c.i.t.i.e.s without the dots.
    read that its a pretty good long guide on it.

    DO NOT COMBINE FURY AND RABIES. Oh and rabies is a pvp build, dont expect to be good against monsters. Except maybe with uber runeword items in some strange freaky combination.

  7. #27


    thanks snotling! i droped my druid rabies build and made it a mule :)

  8. #28


    rabies blows, stick to furry and get spirit of wolverine

  9. #29



    This thread amazes me on how many people just dont know the power of rabies!

    First off rabies can be VERY effective in PVM coupled with fury, you can still use mediocre equipment and make your way through hell with ease. But in order for rabies to be effective you have to take advantage of the synergy bug that the unique ring "carrion wind" has. The carrion wind ring has charges of a lvl 21 poison creeper(the bug is just like the marrowwalk bug with the bone necro but instead its a ring).

    Your standard build would be something like this:

    Max Fury
    Max Rabies
    Max Lycanthropy
    Max Oak or HoW
    1 Raven, Wolves and Bear
    The rest into werewolf

    The main strategy of this build is to infect with rabies and start furying away.

    Id recommend a A2 Might merc for more fury damage
    Equip him with The Reapers Toll and nothing can stop you

    My Fury/Rabie Wolf owns in pvm and can solo all the way through hell

    His Gear is:
    Botd Zerker
    Raven/Carrion Wind
    Gore Riders

    10 shapeshift charms
    Various fhr/frw/res small charms
    and of course Anni

    Fury 1h Damage with HoW and Might - 5k-11k(not too shabby for 1h if i do say so myself)
    Rabies Damage - 24k-25k over 18 seconds

    res's are 41/75/69/75
    Max block and 21k ar

    So in conclusion dont knock it till youve tried it :)
    But remember dont put ANY points in poison creeper or the build goes bye bye!

  10. #30


    dude.. a freaking sorceress could melee her way through hell with eth botd zerker, 10 skill charms and all that equipment.. your build would get better if it was a zealot with the same equip :P

  11. #31


    Im not saying you have to have the most godliest gear to be succesful in hell. The fact that its melee makes it even harder. All im saying is that its a very good build for both pvm and pvp, and the people in this forum seem to think that a fury/rabies build sucks which is not true. (if built correctly)

  12. #32
    I am God bow to me
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    best druid build is to build a hurricane druid with 4 points to oak sage and grizzly and there pre requisits. then max hurricane and it pre requisits and its synergies then u havea strong druid. almost unstopable. except fro trapassassins.

  13. #33
    Join Date
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    Trap Assassins dont really kill my Windy druid. Btw I am going to create a rabies Druid and see if it is any good. I am going to do it on single, so By the end of the night I should be able to tell you if the Fury Rabies Build is indeed good.

    here it is All in all it is a decent build but i dont think that it would be to hard to kill one of these with A caster char. Say for example if a BoneMancer Bone Prisons you Then Bone Spirits you you are most likely not going to survive for very long. For PvM it is a decent build. But in Hell... there are to many Poison immunes in hel for my liking. Not my favoite type of char
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