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  1. #1

    Default DRevolution's Diablo 2 1.12 Patch Suggestion [Thread]

    Suggestion Thread
    [b]Post your suggestions you would like to see in future patches of diablo 2[b]

    Please read through all mine! It may be stupid but i have good ones all over the place!

    1.) I can't believe this hasn't been added to the game. It's pathetic.
    My first suggestion is to have different kind of arrows. I mean come on, it's common should have pointed arrows, sharp arrows, shred know, not just *ARROWS*

    2.) Ban & Detect Farcast/Autoaim CRY MORE NEWB HACKERS

    3.) Fix the fing desynch bug! AHEMHammerdin,Charge, Ect!


    5.) Add more runewords, make Javelins able to get socketed+runeworded

    6.) Fix these horrible bugs...
    -Zeal/Normal Attack Bug
    Realms and SP/Open
    Zeal attacks will occasionally not attack as Zeals, but as Normal Attacks. The current theory regarding this bug is that the skill operates in a star area, not a circular one, which causes the character to attack incorrectly if not in the cardinal directions.

    -Lightning Fury Bug
    Realms, possibly SP/Open
    Dodge, Evade, Avoid, and block can trigger to give the animation for this skill without the damage when attempting to use it.

    -Whirlwind Level-up Bug
    Realms, possibly SP/Open
    Not sure if this was mentioned as the WW bug, but a character who is using the WW skill at the time of gaining a level will be stuck with the WW animation around them and will not be able to use potions or attack, but will not die. Similar to the leap attack bug. Note: This may only affect those characters who do not normally have the WW skill. Assassins using chaos for example. My barb using bloodletter has had this happen at least 3 times today.

    -Charge/Leap Attack bug
    Affects Realms and SP/Open
    This bug is typically triggered while being hit at the beginning of the Charge or Leap Attack skills. The bug prevents the user from using the skill in the game. This is usually remedied by Exiting and Rejoining.

    -Whirlwind bug
    Affects Realms and SP/Open
    This bug is also triggered when being hit at the beginning of the attack. This will only lock the player in place, however, and is remedied at the end of the duration of the attack, based on the destination of the Whirlwind.

    -Charge Bug 2
    Affects Realms, possibly SP/Open
    This bug causes the player to freeze in place when hit at a certain point in the animation of the Charge. The player is typically stuck until they Exit. This bug can also be fixed by switching weapons.

    -Fend/Strafe Bug
    Realms and SP/Open
    Similar to the old Zeal bug, if Fend or Strafe is interrupted by Blocking, evading by Dodge/Avoid/Evade, or being knocked back, the animation continues with consistent misses. The only fixes are to modify your play style to avoid situations where it is likely to trigger. It has been rumored that it can also be fixed by repeatedly clicking the attack on a monster (not shift + click) during the attack.

    -Inferno Bug 1 and 2 and 3
    Realms and SP/Open
    Bug 1 is that inferno based attacks (Wake of Inferno, Inferno, and Arctic Blast) do less than listed damage. Bug 2 is that monster infernos, such as those from Venom Lords, do more damage than they are supposed to. Neither bug has a fix, but bug 2 can be avoided with Fire Absorb with a solid number rather than a percent. Inferno only strikes one target, yet the graphics show it piercing to its full range. This applies to Inferno (sorc), Wake of Inferno (assn), and Inferno using Venom Lords.

    -Leap Attack Bug 2
    Realms and SP/Open
    Leap Attack is erroneously considered a melee attack, when it should be a ranged attack. No fix, but watch out for Iron Maiden, which still triggers on Leap Attack.

    -Confuse/Baal Bug
    If the Confuse curse is applied to monsters when entering Baal's throne room, but before he has activated the first set of minions, he will not spawn minions and will use his "idle" attacks, such as chain lightning, poison explosion, etc.

    -Double Throw Bug
    Realms and SP/Open
    When a Barbarian with a lot of IAS uses Double Throw, the quantities are often depleted unevenly from each hand.

    -Shrine/Fade/Cleansing Bug
    Realms and SP/Open
    Due to a classification of Shrine blessings as "Curses", Fade and Cleansing reduce the duration of Shrine blessings by the listed percent of the skill.

    -Teleport/Wall Glitch
    Realms and SP/Open
    In certain locations, it is possible to teleport through solid areas into various positions that are not normally accessible, such as behind walls in the Jail or off of paths in areas like the Arcane Sanctuary.

    -Conversion Bug
    Realms and Open
    When converting a monster with either Mind Blast or Conversion, if you leave the game, the monsters are permanently converted.
    7.) Cube recipe to unsocket items

    8.) Cube recipe to take out runewords from items. (Make it so if they remake the runeword they will get same stats, so they don't remake..)

    9.) Map Vendor...The main Person in each act (Acara, Mala, Ect.) Can sell map vendors. You can buy them for an X amount of gold, making gold MUCH more valuable! The map would look like stings maphack no plugin auto reveal without the X.

    10.) To tell the merc to act defensivly or Offensivly. Give them some AI, not when they have iron maiden on them, that they run out like a retard and kill themselves O.o! Like buttons to tell them to stay close, run and kill monsters, or play smart, if they get low health they can be careful..

    11.) Make mercs have belt potions, so they can *** themselves (2 things)

    12.) Since mecs have a pack on their sides (act 2 btw) let him have some storage space...why not?

    13. ) Bigger inventory space/stash space...WHY NOT!! Whos it to hurt? It'll actually attract people!

    14.) Make a account stash. I'll describe how this is. You know how in your character gear menu, how there is a I and a II on switch weapons? Well there could be something like that for the stash, if you put it in the II, then all other characters in your account can use it! good for PvP, PvM, and most importantly XFERING DAMNIT! HATE LOSING THOSE NIGMAS/SOJS TO NEWBS!

    Well, I thought of this and said WHYY NOT! ITS A GODLY IDEA!
    You know that HELP ME, FOLLOW ME, RUN, DIE, talking shit? WELL GUESS WHAT, LETS ACTUALLY MAKE IT USEFULL!. When you say follow me, the merc stays close, when you say run, the merc runs away from monsters, when you say help, the merc stops the monster its fightning and kills the monster closest to you first.. Ect. GODLY SUGGESTION!!

    16.) Make smite ONLY IN PvP somehow less powerful...They are way overpowered..but PvM is good ^^

    17.) Somehow make getting to dclone easier. I've been playing since 1.09, have haven't seen him yet...

    18.) This one can be good or bad. Make a cube formula to split runes...expl..1 Zod = 2 rune of lower level! Not bad huh! Maybe make the item needed to do this in the cube hard to get, making a valuable new item! Lets say the item is called Destineys Toes. You get the toes and something else and the rune and it splits it to two ^^

    19.) Act 4 has 3 quests. Could get 3 more. Let's start one where it gives a new column to your inventory ! This way btw |

    20.) Nerf up act 3 merc. If they are lightning...they should do lots of dmg. Actually make them good if you put a Griffon, 25 Light Eschuta, CoH, and Spirit Monarch, make them godly! why not? (cry more plz)

    21.) Probably not going to happen make items like tetris, if its a syth, make it like liek a syth...

    22.) Increase rune drops...Why not? This should lower your duping problem a little...

    23.) Add a mule char, called *mule* With bigger stash and inventory, they can only stay in act 1 normal, and cannot wear any thing but clothes. Like clothes to hide the private and stuff..


    25.) Get some trapper claws. GG Blizz, you got your martial arts, lets try the other type of sin k?

    26.) IM SERIOUS ABOUT THIS. Blizzard, i know you rushed on your assassin. The artwork on her is horrible, the sound on her is horrible. WHAT I AM ASKING IS IF YOU CAN MAKE IT LIK THEY ARE WEARING SOMETHING, NOT CHANGING THEIR SHADE OF BLACK! I'm TIRED OF HEARING NOOBS COMPLAIN NK NK NK!!

    27. ) You have 3 quests in act 4, I suggested 1, and maybe you should make it 6. Why not? make something fun, a big prize, make a new place with really hard people to get something that is required for the new content in your new patch!


    29. ) make a final, super godly monster. WHATS IT CALLED?

    Mephaalblozuanduriel [MEPH, BAAL, DIABLO, IZUAL, ANDY, DURIEL]


    Grand Charm> What's a good name? *Tyrael's Light Grand Charm*

    +2 to (CHARACTER) Skills
    +1-10 to all stats
    +10-20 FHR
    +5-15 FCR
    +30 lite radious (GET IT? TYRAELS LIGHT!)
    +Dmg reduce by 5%
    +All resistances 5-10
    +Magic Dmg reduced by 5%

    30.) Some new unique items would be nice. Currently, many items don't have unique versions (Archon Plate, Hellforge Plate, Colossus Sword, Mythical Sword, etc.)

    31.) In inventory, maybe make each character able to hold more or less. Like barbarians are strong right? so let them be able to hold more...//sorcs are a little weaker, so let them hold less ( or less than the increased stash)

    32. ) Remove the thing where if you kill king you can't make anymore. That is sooo wrong!

    33. ) Create cursed items...make them godly, but they can do some things wrong to you. Such ass less life or mana or fcr or w/e, but it'll be really good!

    34.) Create a rune called *Arch*. Add this rune somewhere around the Pul Lem Um Area. What this does is you can add sockets to an item. 4 arch runes = 4 sockets to an item.

    35.) Blizzard, if your really not going to make dialbo 3, then make a new patch with Evil Tyrael. Like he got cursed by the souls that came out of baal when he died. Maybe he can make you get the item that i suggested *Tyraels Light*
    Like when he dies, his bad soul goes to hell, and his good soul turnes into that item!

    36.) Make uber good rings or ammys with like +lvl concentration or some aura.


    I'd like to hear you guy's suggestions too! Lets go! Thnx for reading man!

  2. #2
    ///M Ares's Avatar
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    my only idea
    1) get rid of lag

  3. #3


    Well yeah that's a must, but there are more important things with that.

    The lag isn't that bad, and i'd rather have these new features with lag then be lag free without it.

    D2 is getting boring.

    And also too many **** now.


    My favorite one has to probably be the izual lite one or the xfer account stash thing and merc AI

  4. #4
    ///M Ares's Avatar
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    a merc for act4 i think thats what ur trying to say.. if not that be cool also

  5. #5


    Bumping threads you made yesterday?


    Most of your suggestions... Wont happen. Or at least I hope they wont. You can delete like 1/2 of those suggetions and say "Plz make game easier."

    There is a cube recipie to take runes/gems/jewels out of items.

  6. #6
    ///M Ares's Avatar
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    you shuuld make the game HARDER not easier.. why the hell easier man.. it is to easy :)

  7. #7
    Average user. slashbomb's Avatar
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    Blizzard will take some suggestions seriously but sometimes, they can't fix the bugs because they don't know how to fix them.

    Syneregies idea was good but taking leech off dueling made duelnig easier, not harder

    maybe combining to characteristics of 1.09 and 1.10 patch woulda been good so we can keep to good cahrs in 1.09 but add all the new 1.10 new builds.

    Ideas can be opened up in teh suggestions post in the forums and theres alot of suggestions, hopefully can make them all happen :)

    I like to thank Frogman for making my awesome sig!

  8. #8

    Default lose enigmas and sojs to newbs? how?

    i'll allow this discussion to continue, but its pretty pointless...its not like blizz is going to get these or read them if they do get them

    and dont bump it when its only a day old...

  9. #9
    Fast and Loose hellsing293's Avatar
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    battlenet really doesn't care enough about diablo II to do all that stuff. Especially since they won't be making some serious money off this. maybe an actual new expansion pack(don't say you wouldn't buy an expansion you cheap bastards). some ideas where ok but some were eh.
    As long as darkness flows through my veins, I will never cease, As long as my dreams still haunt me, I will never show mercy, and as long as evil lives I will never die.....

  10. #10
    Forum Member Gemquist's Avatar
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    33. ) Create cursed items...make them godly, but they can do some things wrong to you. Such ass less life or mana or fcr or w/e, but it'll be really good!

    If I'm correct, in 08 there were constricting rings on the realms,

    75 all res
    -15 life drain

    I think they still drop on single...

    but ya, I get what you're saying.

    In diablo 1 there were a shitload of cursed items, and unknown cursed shrines with negative and positive effects, and some could potentially ruin your character or items.

    They should at least implement them into hc. :P Then I'd have a reason to play hc again.

    18.) This one can be good or bad. Make a cube formula to split runes...expl..1 Zod = 2 rune of lower level! Not bad huh! Maybe make the item needed to do this in the cube hard to get, making a valuable new item! Lets say the item is called Destineys Toes. You get the toes and something else and the rune and it splits it to two ^^

    Well.. I've thought about that, and unless the item WAS in fact hard to get, because the 2 lower runs are of higher (gold value, and when high enough in hrs, in rune value) value.
    (I mean... on ladder right now... 2xjah>zod any day.)
    Last edited by Gemquist; 07-29-2006 at 10:51 AM.
    I am the lurker king. I can do anything.

  11. #11


    24 happens because when you die, you belt is apart of your corpse, so change that suggestion to "let us continue to wear our belts after death"
    Last edited by Crimson_Brilliance010; 08-01-2006 at 04:35 AM.

  12. #12
    Long 4 Men
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    i like the super monster idea... the game is gettin way to easy and more and more people gettin *godly* items and call the other people noobs. but i would have to say that have another item drop thing like the keys... but instead of keys make them a 4 different items and cube when u cube them u get a random item* ring armor helm etc...* but depending on ur lvl get better stuff on the item. get from andy meph diablo and baal. make it super godly like the gc up top. but instead of the keys 1/34 chance make it 1/*really high* for the fact that people these days gettin items from internet or friends... they dont take the itme themselves to get the items. so make it REALLY hard for the smiters, hammerdins, and zealers. sence thats all u see doing the baal runs and the keys runs... make harder for sorces cuz they can tele use skills and have a *uber as they say* merc who can kill htings with a max of 5 hits... make it soo u have to party up with at least 4 different charicter classes and make it so they all have to pull a part in tryin to get the *godly* item jsut a thought but i was thinkin this for abotu 2 weeks now and i was hopeing someone would make this so i can share this.

  13. #13
    Cant think of anything L4E's Avatar
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    bring back lifelleech u dumb blizzard idiots, u killed all AR melee duels

    drevolution dont say u want hackers banned when most of what ur asking for is things to make the game 1000x easier (even though a few are interesting) which is basicly what a hack will do..

    long4gotten, press enter once in a while please, otherwise 90% of people will just overlook ur post like i did

  14. #14
    amazing DiGiTaLiS's Avatar
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    i really don't want any drastic changes. i love the game how it is. only thing i'd like is more unique items / runewords.

  15. #15
    Long 4 Men
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    west virgina...


    but it would also be cool that blizz has made it eaiser to find *mf items* not uniques. cuz for people who cant get uniques dont have mf items.
    - but also make the monsters 2x harder while give them some skills that us charicters can use*give them more* cuz we get passes those eaisely...
    cuz with torch that gives all melee charicters an edge over phis immunes. so give some monsters our skills like a druids hurricane or a palis stun ability.
    - as above with the merc gettin smarter that a good idea also but mkae it so the monsters get smarter. let one monster in the whole pack have a bo or something.
    but eventually we goin to get passes that neway. but it should still give us a challenge at the moment.
    - one final thing* MOST IMPORTANT OF ALL* give all the people who dont help in baal runs or chaos runs *less* exp for they just stealing all the xp from other people who could have helped but didnt get to join for the lazy people took that spot from them.

    *that better with enters?!*

  16. #16
    amazing DiGiTaLiS's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by long4gotton
    but it would also be cool that blizz has made it eaiser to find *mf items* not uniques. cuz for people who cant get uniques dont have mf items.
    - but also make the monsters 2x harder while give them some skills that us charicters can use*give them more* cuz we get passes those eaisely...
    cuz with torch that gives all melee charicters an edge over phis immunes. so give some monsters our skills like a druids hurricane or a palis stun ability.
    - as above with the merc gettin smarter that a good idea also but mkae it so the monsters get smarter. let one monster in the whole pack have a bo or something.
    but eventually we goin to get passes that neway. but it should still give us a challenge at the moment.
    - one final thing* MOST IMPORTANT OF ALL* give all the people who dont help in baal runs or chaos runs *less* exp for they just stealing all the xp from other people who could have helped but didnt get to join for the lazy people took that spot from them.

    *that better with enters?!*
    i'm pretty sure the people that kill get more experience than the people that don't. i heard it was 80% of the experience goes to the person that does the killing strike. meh i could be wrong.

  17. #17
    Long 4 Men
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    west virgina...


    Quote Originally Posted by hellsing293
    battlenet really doesn't care enough about diablo II to do all that stuff. Especially since they won't be making some serious money off this. maybe an actual new expansion pack(don't say you wouldn't buy an expansion you cheap bastards). some ideas where ok but some were eh.
    question... if they dont care why did they ban soo many people. this i would have to say was a good money making game.
    if the people who got banned*as i did* like the game so much... they would buy a new cd... yea it costs what 20. but it would last a lot longer if no one cheated*maphack, bots, pickit, scams.*
    so i got banned uhh 1 week ago and im gettin a new cd cuz this was a fun game... especially sence it was a VERY hard challenge for me to get the items that i got...

    Additional Comment:
    Quote Originally Posted by DiGiTaLiS
    i'm pretty sure the people that kill get more experience than the people that don't. i heard it was 80% of the experience goes to the person that does the killing strike. meh i could be wrong.
    that could be true im not sure either but would that be only in certian spots because me and friend love to start new charicters.*without haveing nething for them* and we both lvl SAME exact time. i kill more than him at times and vice versa. so i would think that it either depends on the place u are at or the place u at with the number of people
    Last edited by long4gotton; 07-29-2006 at 03:51 PM. Reason: [Automerged Doublepost]

  18. #18


    This may sound radical but I want to pay monthly for Battle Net. If there was fee Blizzard will have the funds for a better sever and will a lot more capable to stop hacks like WoW. This probably could never happen but it would be nice.

    I love this game but I alwas quit because of Bots and AA. Its ruins the game for me.

  19. #19


    Wow guys, it's just suggestions. I don't want the game to be easier, I wan't it to be funner...

    And can you please suggest some stuff and not critizise everyones suggestions?

  20. #20


    Quote Originally Posted by Reverend456
    This may sound radical but I want to pay monthly for Battle Net. If there was fee Blizzard will have the funds for a better sever and will a lot more capable to stop hacks like WoW. This probably could never happen but it would be nice.

    I love this game but I alwas quit because of Bots and AA. Its ruins the game for me.
    you on drugs, if i wanted to pay for i game i would get off my ace and get WoW, everybody dont have parents that will do all that for them, for some of us it's a complete fluke that we have the game (or the computer for that matter) at all. that's why they provide different games, to cater to the different income groups. not everybody has a job or allowance or parents who spoil them like blitches or money period, so leave D2 the hell alone, leave it FREE

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