2x +3 Warcry Sticks
11/19 Zon torch
Blizzard Ormus
Etitans (182% ED)
Mosers (2x Pdiamond)
+3 Jav Gauntlets
Cresent Moon Ammy
Alot of Str Charms
Boneweave Nigma
+2 Cold +3 Blizzard Orb
18/12 Barb Torch
2x Angelic Rings/Ammy
Ravenfrost (+20 Dex)
Goreriders (Non-Upped)
10% Fcr Ring (+12 Strength)
26% ED 45 AR Akaran Targe (Good for LLD i can socket it if you need)
+3 Cold +26 Strength Amulet
Non Eth Treks
Guillames w/ that set glove (Magnus Skin?)
+3 Pcombat +96 Life Amulet
Carrion Ring
Dwarf Stars
Lots of Lifers and Strength charms (small charms, large charms, grand charms) (sold some still got a few)
Mal Rune
+3 Shadow Discipline +20 Life Amulet
2x Lidless
Souldrain gloves
Psn charms (50 psn dmg )
Max Damage charms (not alot and not 3/20/20s)
Asterons (+2 Pcombat) Shael'D
Lots of Fcr Rings with resist
All i need is a Paly torch now