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Don't forget that prices differ on realms. If you can get an Enigma on Europe, you can certainly afford an anni (anni is 3-xx Ists, Enigma is around 9 Ists).
Also, it would be nice if you actually made a proper assassin guide. I'm not saying that your guide is shit, but it's more like a build, instead of a guide. You just list some gear, explain why you chose that, but you don't say why it would be better than a certain otehr kind of gear. Catch my drift?
Basically, what I am saying is that I'd much rather see a guide in which you go into more depth, explain why you chose hoto + spirit over 2x claws, why you decided to go for no block, what would be other alternatives if you wanted more damage and less MF. It's a nice guide, but very primitive. For the gear the gear that you have listed for MF, I guess that I'd give you 10/10, because I cannot think of better MF gear off the top of my head, but for the "guide" aspect, I'll give you 4/10 because it's not very varied and doesn't really explain a lot.