20 RS
20 SM
20 CE???
Im gonna use like 20 pts alone in prereqs
Basically, this necromancer is going to be doing Baal, CS, and Tristram.
I dunno how useful CE is for trist or stuff. Does it warrant 20 points?
What about revives? How come every build I see says to put like 5-10 in it? Why not max it? Do I want bone wall and bone prison maxed for bone armor, and to use bone prison in case I PVP?
Also, I found a deaths fathom, no joke, in a trade game (ran pindle). Its unid. What the HELL do you necros do for resists? I see 15 res in shako from um, 19 in homunch from p diamond, and 20-30 in maras. What then?