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  1. #1

    Default Looking For Program

    I am not as skilled in programing as you guys may be but i was wondering if somone had or could write a program to instantly sever the connection to battlenet and set it on a hot key or something, or if this is even possible?


    Additional Comment:
    also earlier today i ran across a bot in a drop game that just townteled to the droped item and stole it. I drug it outside with crap charms and killed it, but i thougt those bots did not work nemore?
    Last edited by Teamlegit; 09-27-2006 at 05:31 PM. Reason: [Automerged Doublepost]

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    In Da Sky....Watching


    That would be interesting if their was such a program out there.....and if it severed the connection like that..than it could mean a possible roll back (aka dupe)
    Demonicfury @ Jsp.

  3. #3


    i can do it.
    whats the point though?

  4. #4
    Veteran Syntax_Errors's Avatar
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    Sep 2006
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    Bnet is hackable, but not by easy means. I know most will state NO WAY!!! For the ignorant though let them have their moments of bliss. Your comment: "sever the connection to battlenet" is pretty funny though. Do you really mean by server based communication? by protocol? or by proxy? network? These are stated in simple terms for you to understand, so just answer one to get an answer that you think is closest to your thought of question...

  5. #5
    Seeker trayne's Avatar
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    Mar 2003
    Too plastered to care


    if you are on a wireless router (linksys bef series might work), theres a third party program you can usually get that will sever your net connection as well as the games connection that may work for you, when its running, its the insert key to activate it. I forget the name of it at the moment. i saw it in action on a friends computer when i was picking up my external harddrive.

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