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  1. #1

    Default Anyone heard of Titan Quest?

    ive been checking it out and it looks really fun, but i didnt want to buy it if its no good.

    is it like diablo where you can get cool items and theres things like trading and etc.

    or is it more of a "get done with the game and its over" like oblivion. (waste of money dont buy that game)
    You must be the change you wish to see in the world

  2. #2
    Super hacker skidude's Avatar
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    Aug 2004


    yes titan quest is a real good game i liked it,you should try it out first

    i only played it for 3 days and loved it

    there is screen shots of it too

    moved too right place

  3. #3
    Forum Member holyNITE's Avatar
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    Nov 2005
    Hacienda Heights


    Okay, first off, lets get something straight. Oblivion is NOT a waste of money. It is a immense game with a wonderful main quest and seemingly unlimited side quests. If you try to max your dude and finish not only the main quest but also the side quests, thats like 50+ hours right there.

    With that cleared, when I think of Titan Quest, I think of diablo 2 using ancient mythology, new skins, and better graphics. Actually, thats exactly what Titan Quest is.

  4. #4


    haha i loved oblivion, but once i did everything, i just didnt feel like playing. there needs to be more items :P

    sweet, thanks. ill try it out for sure.
    You must be the change you wish to see in the world

  5. #5


    hey there i just bought titan quest too...i like it alot im so tired of diablo so its a good filler...only drawback is you need a killer computer to play question is: can anyone help me xfer on titan quest cause i tried by myself and i dont think(or dont know enough) to do it on my own....the five minute rule with diablo for xfering on your own doesnt seem to work in this game...anyways anyone that can help with information and/or xfer comments , or just helping me to xfer in general would be appreciated...
    Last edited by laminator; 10-07-2006 at 02:46 PM.

  6. #6


    i know a site, but i cant post it, not enough posts
    Last edited by seaserpent; 05-09-2007 at 09:06 AM.

  7. #7
    Veteran DarkZeb's Avatar
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    Jul 2004
    New Zealand


    just join someone elses game and dump your stuff in some remote area and then swop chars and go back to that game .. vo-lah!
    Titan quest is alright .. but like its been said its pretty much identical to D2 .. just flashier. Though hardly anyone plays online and its really laggy anyway.. well i find it laggy.

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