Np, tell me how it turns out and if you need extra detail on some issues.
Np, tell me how it turns out and if you need extra detail on some issues.
id like to know how that turns out as well, because im interested in making a bvc barb for all those pesky casters
ive been looking at alot of different bvcs guides, and im trying to find out whats the best
Last edited by crimson-tide; 10-08-2006 at 09:55 AM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost
this is the best guide i've seen so far :)
but still loits im still wondering why max leap when you could put them in like steel skin (or something liek that i forgot) and the improve res skill
BVC! barb vs CASTER! since when do casters try to melee attacK! YOU! and besides get real, u HAVE TO HAVE LEAP!, if not psh, u can only hope to chase them down,
In team duels a barb basically only leaps and gets team mates to kill your opposition unless he sees a good opening. Why is maxed leap si gosu? First of all the range of double knockback is not reduced as it sais on the skill, the skill shows you the leap distance but the knockback distance is different. Lol why do you want to put points in iron skin? let me guess, you wanna duel other barbs? rofl. The duel a bvc doesn't take is against another barb, in every other one he's got good chances of winning. Maxed leap gives you a gosu knockback radius and yes it it important to have a larger range than your screen, i spoke about blizz and fb earlier but it also helps against hammers, because they can't cast properly in a team duel leaving a opening for someone to come i and fhr lock them. In 1v1 duels it helps against anyone who has a attack range bigger than your screen. Imagine this, you are leaping a fb soso and he has namelocked you but unfourtunately he has just left your screen due to knockback therefore you can't namelock him, but as soon as he is off your screen and you are still leaping he can unload on your ass bigtime and you'll get hit for sure. Basically maxed leap allows you to choose when you attack or play defencive.
rofl and if a melee sorc ever attacked you then for your information they have 300k+ ar therefore your little 20k def is just a joke, a bvc with 10k def is enough.
Last edited by Loits; 10-13-2006 at 09:11 PM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost
whens the last time uve seen a melee sorc? i havent seen one since 1.10 lol
I was just backing up my argument of that def versus casters is useless.
iono iron skin makes you look tough :)
*Improved deafult (pub) eq and added a illustration. :>
*Added duelling strategies vs windy.
Thanks for that, I've also realized that there are some inconsistencies throughout if anything is confusing for anyone post here.
I have a quick question why not a shield in bvc cause of dex for maxblock or str req?
I've actually tried strom to be honest and i find it useful in team duels when facing a hammer+bowa combo or a number of bowas. I've duelled 3 bowas and a hammer at the same time with 2 sosos and a dudu, it was a helluva hard duel till i slapped on the followign combination: Storm(eld)+arreat+tal belt+2 ravens+25 dex dancers. That game me 70%+ block with 10 points in dex, i used to build my bvc differently then but that combo would still work. It worked wonders because it gave me some time to tank 3 bowas who were namelocking me and leap at the same time while the 2 sosos took everyone out from range.. dudu helped a lot with tanking though.
Lotus, what do you think of an EDC as an offhand? Ive found it really helpful vs ES sorcs, and blocks chars. I have the AR needed to hit them, so i don't realy need fanta Arua from beast. And its a BVA, originally intended for BVB , but i just felt like making GG bvb, along with decent BVC, instead of an overall balanced char.
Edc is a very secondary weapon to grief these days, it's a damage dealer adn grief is better at that. It's never good to ahve 2 damage dealers you need 1 of them as a support (to boos the primary weapon) and beast is a fantastic support weapon for it's ow, cb str and 200+ ed (18x from fana and 40 from strenght). Grief+beast is superior to grief and edc.
If you are really having trouble with es sosos then the best way to beat them is to find 2 x 6sox bas fill them with 3 ums, 2 shaels and 1 p emerald. Using draculs this gives you 100% ow on every hit and poison, the poison is a nice indication of wethre or not you have delivered ow and how long it has lasted for. Feel free to use one or two of those bas, this applies for only insane es sosos that can sit there and tank a baba easily while you are whirling them.
I corrected some grammar and fixed some broken links.
nice guide
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