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  1. #21
    ***** Slave Nubli's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bloodangel26 View Post
    cut the bullshit nub. you've now lost the little respect i had left for you. i dont even know what to respond to you with because you didnt even make a point.
    I believe that's what's known as outsmarting your opponent. If you can't find the point in my response to you, just move along now. Somebody will pick up on it eventually. Although with the quality of posts in this thread thus far, I don't think it will be for a while.

  2. #22


    outsmarting or out bullshitting? you are full of shit. "do well in school or you go to iraq." oh yea, sure, thats about bush...yea...whatever.

  3. #23
    D2PRODIGY FeNiXSuNfIrE's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nubli View Post
    Kick me out of the country for having an opinion that actually makes sense? I think someone is getting a little butthurt here. Who is defending my freedom here? As far as I know, there are people with guns in another country trying to secure THEIR freedom for the alternative interests of aging white men.

    I could make so many accusations just from what you said there, but I won't. Lets keep this issue on the topic, and not about how you can prove so many points with every idiotic post.

    So anybody labeled Democrat is stupid? Way to go Captain America. You might as well have stated you had no affiliation, because you disgrace even the Republican party with remarks like those. What's wrong with Gay Marriage? It doesn't affect you in any way, so stop *****ing. What's wrong with abortion? Should you decide what a woman has inside of her body, lest the government decide?

    I especially like how you clearly define what kind of political candidate you would like to see, based on three major issues; two arguments and a party standpoint.

    Off to another forum to argue with another ignorant person.
    dude listen to what you just said. "so anybody labeled democrat is stupid?" you did the same thing. you are labeling "most" of the people who is fighting for our country as stupid. just because your democratic and obviously anti-war, you take defense to being called stupid. but you can shoot down every1 who isnt like you? shoot down ppl that are fighting for your country? you cant seriously tell me that you are that juvenile.

    then you go on to say "I could make so many accusations just from what you said there, but I won't. Lets keep this issue on the topic..." but directly afterwords u go off on whats non on topic? lmao, okay man.

    tell me this, why are u so anti war? because so many "innocent" people are killed? because of money wasted? well tell me why you are pro abortion then? innocent ppl die because of abortion. its not their fault their mother is a dumbass and ****ed up. just because a person isnt born doesnt mean they shouldnt have a right to LIVE.
    Last edited by FeNiXSuNfIrE; 11-02-2006 at 10:04 AM.

  4. #24


    if john kerry would have responded with something like "i'm sorry if people felt i was insulting US troops, that was not my intent. i would never insult the troops since i myself served" etc. i might have believed him and this probably would have went away, but he came out and refused to apologize and said anyone who didnt get his "joke" was an idiot. he tried to turn his stupidity into an attack on bush. so not only has he now insulted the troops, but everyone in the country except his little political lackeys like nub.

    him and anyone who believes this crap are naive hypocrites.

  5. #25


    Quote Originally Posted by Bloodangel26 View Post
    TO GET A FREE EDUCATION NOT BECAUSE THEY ARE TOO STUPID TO GET ONE, thanks for proving yourself wrong.
    believe it or not, i wouldn't even joke on an issue like this. i do agree 100% with you, but the way you come off it seems you tried to deny that people join the army for the sole purpose of getting a free education. that's definitely not the case. that said, many people who need this free/reduced education slacked off in high school and didn't score the scholarships. i was close to joining the army for this reason.

    stop being so defensive, or would it be offensive in this case? either way i'm being quite serious. stop being such an asshole.

  6. #26


    where have i denied people join to get a free education? i've never denied that, i'm all for people who serve our country to get free education, they deserve it.

  7. #27
    ***** Slave Nubli's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FeNiXSuNfIrE View Post
    dude listen to what you just said. "so anybody labeled democrat is stupid?" you did the same thing. you are calling any1 who is fighting for our country stupid. just because your democratic and obviously anti-war, you take defense to being called stupid. but you can shoot down every1 who isnt like you? shoot down ppl that are fighting for your country? you cant seriously tell me that you are that juvenile.
    I did the same thing? Hardly. I'm bashing the educational levels of whom I quoted. I shoot down whom I feel needs to be shot down. If it isn't already evident, take a step back and look at the big picture.

    then you go on to say "I could make so many accusations just from what you said there, but I won't. Lets keep this issue on the topic..." but directly afterwords u go off on whats non on topic? lmao, okay man.
    Um... ok. Not sure where you're going with this one. That was the end of my response to bloodangel, and I quoted somebody else and commented on that. Double Post -> Automerge.

    tell me this, why are u so anti war? because so many "innocent" people are killed? because of money wasted? well tell me why you are pro abortion then? innocent ppl die because of abortion. its not their fault their mother is a dumbass and ****ed up. just because a person isnt born doesnt mean they shouldnt have a right to LIVE.
    I'm all for a war that's fought for the RIGHT REASONS. If, say, a Pearl Harbor type of attack were to happen again, I would probably be first in line to "go get the enemy." I support true patriotism, not undercover bullshit from the government. Everybody knows we're in this war to secure our future interests in oil, and anybody who doesn't admit this is turning the biggest blind eye ever.

    Innocent people die from abortion? The fetus isn't even a sentient being that early on. I think it's something like 5-6 months before the brains higher functions start to really develope, so are you honestly saying a bunch of cells that resemble an amorphous blob to be a human being?

    So lets say a woman gets raped and becomes pregnant. Her fault for ****ing up? I know there are some states that have abortion banned in all variations with this situation as an exception. If in either situation a baby wasn't intended, how can you be for "killing life" in one situation but not another?

  8. #28
    D2PRODIGY FeNiXSuNfIrE's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by xDBD View Post
    i think you're a fool to deny the fact that a large chunk of people who join the armed forces do so to get a free or reduced education.
    you tell him to quit being an asshole? dude wtf are u talkin about, this is what u said. just because they join to get a free or reduced education doesnt make them stupid you insenstitive naeve jackass. just because ppl cant pay for school doesnt make them stupid. blood never said anything like that.

    Innocent people die from abortion? The fetus isn't even a sentient being that early on. I think it's something like 5-6 months before the brains higher functions start to really develope, so are you honestly saying a bunch of cells that resemble an amorphous blob to be a human being?

    So lets say a woman gets raped and becomes pregnant. Her fault for ****ing up? I know there are some states that have abortion banned in all variations with this situation as an exception. If in either situation a baby wasn't intended, how can you be for "killing life" in one situation but not another?
    lol just because its still a bunch of cells doesnt mean it wont soon be a human being. if a women gets raped and wants an abortion, im all for that. that wasnt the mothers fault. but 99% of abortions are not from mothers that were raped.
    Last edited by FeNiXSuNfIrE; 11-02-2006 at 10:17 AM.

  9. #29
    ***** Slave Nubli's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bloodangel26 View Post
    if john kerry would have responded with something like "i'm sorry if people felt i was insulting US troops, that was not my intent. i would never insult the troops since i myself served" etc. i might have believed him and this probably would have went away, but he came out and refused to apologize and said anyone who didnt get his "joke" was an idiot. he tried to turn his stupidity into an attack on bush. so not only has he now insulted the troops, but everyone in the country except his little political lackeys like nub.

    him and anyone who believes this crap are naive hypocrites.
    Oh god the irony. I'm laughing irl right now. How are we naive for having our own views on the matter? How are we hypocrites? I want to know how you pulled that one out of your ass.

  10. #30


    you are naive for believing something this stupid, and you are a hypocrite for trying to place the blame on bush. next?

  11. #31
    ***** Slave Nubli's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FeNiXSuNfIrE View Post
    you tell him to quit being an asshole? dude wtf are u talkin about, this is what u said. just because they join to get a free or reduced education doesnt make them stupid you insenstitive naeve jackass. just because ppl cant pay for school doesnt make them stupid.
    Correct, but if we go with popular cultural stereotypes, most people who can't pay for school that go straight into the armed forces were never that decent at education anyways. I know it may seem farfetched to even make that statement, but look up the numbers for yourself. It's a hard truth nobody likes to admit, because nobody likes to be called stupid and have no way to defend it.

    Now I'm not saying everyone who can't pay for education but goes into the military to get a free ride is dumb or ignorant. Plenty of smart people do this simply because they don't have much else. But the proportionality between the two is staggeringly lopsided.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bloodangel26 View Post
    you are naive for believing something this stupid, and you are a hypocrite for trying to place the blame on bush. next?
    Naive for believing a truth fact? No, sir. You are naive for naturally rejecting it. So naive it's ignorant. And I'm beginning to think you don't know the definition of 'hypocrite.'

    Naivety isn't just the natural believing of any given fact or statement, but rather the natural rejection of any given fact or statement that may go against popular belief. Also see: Ignorance
    Last edited by Nubli; 11-02-2006 at 10:21 AM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost

  12. #32


    even if it was true, he should not have said it.

    please point out this truth you are not naive for believing? you still havent made any arguments except for the fact that you think most of our troops are stupid.

    i'm starting to think your even more of a pompous(also see arrogant, except arrogance has reasoning to be that way, pompous does not) asshole than i gave you credit for.

  13. #33
    D2PRODIGY FeNiXSuNfIrE's Avatar
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    i dont really care. even IF every single person in our military/army/navy were literally stupid, why would you insult them? most of the ppl in the country that are eligible for joining but dont, do not just because they are chicken shits. you insult people that are there to protect you. whether you think they really are or not, it is there job to protect our country in any situation. that u can not deny. they dont pick where to go or what to do, they simply chose to fight for your rights. now even IF they are stupid, they have more balls then you ever will so how can you badmouth them?

  14. #34


    Well, according to some statistics, those in the military are technically graduating high school at higher percentages than civilians. 92% of recruits recieve their diploma versus only 75% of American civilians. With the possibility of a GED thrown in, recruits jump up to 99% whereas civilians fall short at 88%.

    I've also read that 85% of field officers in the military are serving with a batchelor's degree in college.

  15. #35


    Nub, people dont join just because there dumb, like mentioned in previous posts, some are smart people who dont have the money to go to college, some people feel its what they were ment to do was to fight for there freedom, If you dont like the way this country is, then i agree with Blood, get out

    One other thing to add, Im glad after hearing that statement by kerry that Bush is our president, its funny too cause everyone thinks president bush is so horrible but honestly after a remark like kerrys, would you want that man running out country?, i know i wouldnt

  16. #36


    Quote Originally Posted by Mushroomhead18nc View Post
    One other thing to add, Im glad after hearing that statement by kerry that Bush is our president, its funny too cause everyone thinks president bush is so horrible but honestly after a remark like kerrys, would you want that man running out country?, i know i wouldnt
    see my first post in the thread

  17. #37
    Fast and Loose hellsing293's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FeNiXSuNfIrE View Post
    war time presidents are always hated. they always have ppl blame them for everything, making other excuses for why they wanted to declare war, ect. thats just how it works. people need a person to blame things on and since war is the biggest controversy of mankind...obviously he will be hated. theres one thing that you need to realize though. As long as mankind exhists on this earth, there will be war. its as simple as that. just get over it already :P
    was FDR hated that much(honest question no sarcasism if it came out that way, i really wanted to know)? i don't think he was but i'm not sure.
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  18. #38
    Viva La Revolucion! Fuggle's Avatar
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    While I may not agree with Nub's views in terms of politics, I will say that after reading this "debate" that he is ahead of you guys in expressing his point effectively.
    As for Kerry, he did apologize like an hour or 2 ago, but his statement, whether true or not, is Political Suicide.
    And on the lines of Abortion, while you may say it's "killing innocent lives", what better is that baby potentially growing up into poverty with a miserable existence, since statistics show that most Abortions occur in women who tend to be lest priveleged and living in poorer areas. Areas where protection or birthcontrol isn't as easy to obtain due to economic deficiencies. I'd much rather have your "innocent life" go before it has a chance to be born into a harsh world where it will grow up into just another statistic of Poverty.

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  19. #39
    Tech Elder The Mob's Avatar
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    This is what Kerry intended to say. The president is just blowing it up. This statement is nothing.

    Quote Originally Posted by FeNiXSuNfIrE
    tell me this, why are u so anti war?
    I totally agree with
    Quote Originally Posted by Nubli
    I'm all for a war that's fought for the RIGHT REASONS. If, say, a Pearl Harbor type of attack were to happen again, I would probably be first in line to "go get the enemy." I support true patriotism, not undercover bullshit from the government. Everybody knows we're in this war to secure our future interests in oil, and anybody who doesn't admit this is turning the biggest blind eye ever.
    This is absolutly true. If we had not invaded Iraq, heck not removed Saddam Husain, we would not have been in this mess that we are in right now. The reason why i say this are based on HISTORY. Iran and Iraq were once enimies with each other. They hated each other and kept each other in check. They even fought a war against each other. Also, Saddam Hussein was SECULAR "As a leading member of the Iraqi Ba'ath Party, which espoused secular pan-Arabism, economic modernization, and Arab socialism, Saddam played a key role in the 1968 coup that brought his party to long-term power." (Saddam Hussein) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. He did not allow the secterian violence that is running rampant right now. Thirdly, where are the WMD? Fourth, who attacked us? Saddam or Osama? Osama had nothing to do with Iraq. We had no reason to attack them.

    Your right that I cant deny that they protect our contry and enforce peace during national dissasters, and Nubli I am sorry but statistics show that "98 percent of all enlisted recruits who enter the military have an education level of high school graduate or higher, compared to the national average of 75 percent" ( However, many of them never make it to college.
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  20. #40


    how is nub ahead when the only points hes made is that he thinks our troops are stupid and he wants to have anal sex with john kerry? he'll have to get john edwards out of there firs though...

    no he did not apologize, he refused to apologize and then said anyone who didnt get his joke is stupid.

    EDIT: LOL at no reason to attack iraq.

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