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  1. #1

    Default Spoon Attack!!!!!!!!!!

    I was bored... (Yeah I'm 13 so yes it has Spongebob.)

    Once apon a time there was an evil man named Squidward. He was very very angry because Spongebob and Patrick kept making fun of his big nose.
    But his nose was really really big so it was okay. Soon Squidward got really really angry and used his mind bending powers to control an army of spoons. They were the metal kind
    so those things could knock you out if you got hit 50 times with em. Squidward went over to Spongebob's house to get some revenge but Spongebob wasn't there.
    Spongebob and Patrick went to Sandy because they knew that Squidward got an army of spoons. Soon they came up with the idea to try to get some forks togeather to beat Squidward.

    Spongebob, Patrick, and Sandy and their forks went to try and beat Squidward and his spoons. Spongebob told his forks to attack Squidwards spoons but the spoons were too
    tough, they were extra heavy duty spoons. Sandy and Patrick went shopping to see if there were any spoons Squidward didn't control, they also picked up some knifes to help them
    in the battle against the evil spoons! Sandy and Patrick found 500 spoons Squidward didn't get so they transformed with the forks into super powerful sporks. Spongebob and Patrick went
    to go fight the spoons and took some knifes as backup just in case.

    When they got to the battle field Squidward said You will never beat my spoons HAHAHAHAHAHA. Spongebob and Patrick started laughing too because his nose was so big HAHA
    HAHA (Spongebob and Patrick started pointing at his nose) HAHAHAHAHAAHAHA. Squidward got mad so he made his spoons attack but then out of no where the sporks came out!
    The sporks and the spoons started fighting, it was a good battle they kept attacking each other and alot of them broke during the battle. At the end of the battle there were 4 sporks
    and 4 spoons. Squidward told them to break them and then they both attacked then it was down to 1 spoon and 1 spork sooner or later the spork won! Spongebob and Patrick laughed
    at Squidwards nose somemore!


  2. #2
    gimmie da loot ! SilverTears's Avatar
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    Apr 2006
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    Ummm, I guess its ok, kind of childish... especially for 13 dont you think?
    . . . at ease, i puff trees till i look chinese
    . . . and immigration says can we see
    . . . your green card, please.....?

  3. #3


    Well, I didn't feel like wasting the brain cells it took to read that, but really, since when are their straightedge 13 year olds?
    my sig! where ever did it go?

  4. #4



    Needs LSD.

    PS : You type like a Downs victim.

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by PantallicA View Post

    Needs LSD.

    PS : You type like a Downs victim.
    Thanks. Does it make you feel better when you put people down on the internet? Because noone likes you? Just kill youself, thanks dumbass.

  6. #6
    Viva La Revolucion! Fuggle's Avatar
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    Apr 2004
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    You are clearly new here, this is all we do.

    Nobody can handle the leetness of this sig.
    Who loves orange soda?
    Kel'thuzad loves orange soda!
    Is it true?

  7. #7


    =\ Alrighty then... *runs away*

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