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  1. #1

    Default I have a corrupt file help me

    ok it says

    corrupt file

    it only started doing that after i got a maphack
    but i deleted the maphack and it still does it what should I do?

    if you need moreinfo tell me,im kinda pissed off and may have left some things out.


    Eric_555 (B.NET)

  2. #2
    Grim Reaper wm_hunter's Avatar
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    Winnipeg, Manitoba


    Should probably be in hacks\dupes...

    1. What maphack?
    2. What exact error?
    3. Tried a reinstall?
    4. Tried copying file from the disk?

  3. #3
    Forum Elder Gods's Avatar
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    Aug 2006


    Like WM said you should try re-installing that always solves the problem. IF it doesnt work come back here.

  4. #4


    Im looking at the little pop-up window right now it reads

    "This application has encountered a critical error:

    The file data is corrupt.

    Program: C:\DIABLO II\GAME.EXE
    File: d:\d2Xmusic.mpq

    Press ok to terminate""

    I used stings maphack, and I've reinstalled 2 times, no I didnt try to copy file from disc,

    I got download from, and I just installed diablo, fromthe store bought package

    Sorry didnt know dupes/hacks was best place thought it was a ech prob... havent been on here much since I registered

    So what? is my computer rejecting diablo?

  5. #5
    Grim Reaper wm_hunter's Avatar
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    Winnipeg, Manitoba


    File: d:\d2Xmusic.mpq

    Your CD drive is D:\ I am assuming?

    I would guess this would be more a corruption on the CD then anything else.

  6. #6


    Well my mom has a diablo ii game as well so I'll trying installing with those cd's she doesntplay online so I thinkk the cd key thing wouldn't be a problem (dont laugh im 17, yes I still live my

    If that doesn't help would there be anything else i could do that would help?

    I'll repost if it does help.

    does B.Net have a habit/ history of transfering viruses?

    Yes D is my cd drive

  7. #7
    Cant think of anything L4E's Avatar
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    Jun 2004


    try playing with ur mom's discs, because the file that is corrupt is found on the cd, and he's trying to play it from the disc but since its broken he cant, so running it with a different disc (hopefully less scratched?) would make it work.
    otherwise get it from torrents and run it with daemon tools..

  8. #8
    Forum Elder Gods's Avatar
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    Aug 2006


    Umm.. you dont need to use your mom's cd keys just use your own it will still let you install d2 with any cd key even if the cd key on the case doesnt match the one your using.

  9. #9
    Seeker trayne's Avatar
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    for the d2music.mpq file, copy a fresh one from the cd to your folder. as for the game.exe. it should be labeled Diablo II.exe. not sure if you just called it game.exe by mistake or not but if its labeled game.exe inside the diablo 2 folder, rename it to 'Diablo II.exe' (without the ' )

  10. #10


    Try uninstalling your game then reinstall it.

  11. #11


    Quote Originally Posted by trayne View Post
    for the d2music.mpq file, copy a fresh one from the cd to your folder. as for the game.exe. it should be labeled Diablo II.exe. not sure if you just called it game.exe by mistake or not but if its labeled game.exe inside the diablo 2 folder, rename it to 'Diablo II.exe' (without the ' )
    i got that game.exe 2. nothing seems 2 be wrong wit it. yet i do have a diablo II.exe 2 but mine is slightly different. i added orginal after the II since sometimes i like 2 switch between mods. i would say just remove it all and start freash and reinstall it all just 2 be safe

  12. #12
    Seeker trayne's Avatar
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    nvm the game.exe. i just remembered that its used for closed bnet. i havent been playing d2 at all. mostly carbon and ff12 demos that were sent to me. most likely the conflict is the mpq. just make sure its not from a burned disc. theres a 30% chance the files arent covered by the protection the original cd has.

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