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  1. #1

    Default Can MM.Bot Do Anyone Else Other Than Pindle,Shenk,Eld

    Hey everyone,

    I heard that can also do travincal and was wondering if i can get a script for the trav also. I have a Lite Sorc so dont know how'd it work out tho.

    Also was wondering if there are any other bosses it can do? If not well it really aint a big deal. But would really like some info on the Trav part.

  2. #2


    the kuk-bot mod to;

    mmForums Forums-kuk-bot forum

    Does Andy & Meph. I haven't gotten it to work, though, but I don't have tele, so it's to be expected.

  3. #3


    All monsters that the people were able to run (that I know of):
    Boneash,Andy,Summoner,Trav,Meph,Chaos(only on normal, testing and stuff),Shenk,Eldrich,Pindle,Dac farren, Thresh socket, baal<-On normal too...

    That's about it... not all those sequences are out so....

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