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  1. #41
    I own you 24/7 style. Loits's Avatar
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    Oct 2005
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    If we can extract something positive from this then it would be that Blizzard hasn't forgotten about Diablo and it's fanbase yet.

  2. #42


    Darth can be trusted absolutely we have had this thread up at LH for some considerable time with no issues.

    Some AVs will show a scan as suspious, however this is just the heuristics of the particular AV that sees Virus or trojan like behaviour, not a real virus or trojan, those of you familiar with autoit programming will have had this issue time and again when an av company gets lazy and tags a script in the case of autoit for its compression method.

    The files are safe. No reported issues from LH
    The crack is safe.
    The Maphack beta 5 is still undetected as far as reports go.


  3. #43


    Thx Mortis, your trying to help, if ppl checked they would know

  4. #44


    Eh, ive been useing now for over a week no problems, i suspect it will stay that way, thanks again darth.
    Last edited by xqs_me; 11-29-2006 at 01:10 PM.

  5. #45


    for anyone who has any questions or concerns, send me a pm. i don't browse this forum too often, but have the email alerts running.

    to anyone who has any questions about maphack and/or configuring same, just head to mousepad's forum ( Mousepad's Doom II Page (sorry if posting link is a bad thing, and remove if necessary)) and check out the 'maphack for dummies' section, as well as the maphack forum.

    if you register to ask a question, you will get help and a handfull of smartassed replies

  6. #46


    why does it say im missing a .key file?

  7. #47


    <a class="bigusername" href="../members/ece-sylas.html">assassass&nbsp; [ECE]Sylass post will tell you what to do and darth nice job :)</a><br><br>

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