what does it mean by buy acces to a forum? does it mean i get a privat forum or soMETHing like that? please tell me
what does it mean by buy acces to a forum? does it mean i get a privat forum or soMETHing like that? please tell me
I think it might be if you get kicked out of a forum, you can buy back your privileges to that forum..
Not sure.
There may also be restricted forums that you can buy access to as well. Almost works like a veterans only thing. With good BBS code (and since they're using vbulletin I KNOW it's good) you can make forums hidden to everyone except for certain people (usually used for mods only forums). So who knows what there actually is until you buy access.
Oh i see..
so would it be worth it for me to buy acces to it and waste all my points
I dunno..
i would rather make my name look cooler lol and the lil rank under it
yea i will just save up and give them away probably
Yea, thats true.
dun bother saving your points to the xtend when u can change your name...not worth...50k points lol...
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