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  1. #1

    Default C/i at dupeing...

    ok we spamm an spamm and geht c/i =) what can we do to get less c/i 5trys and one or less geht work for desinc.... is there anny way too reduse the c/i? before desyinc

  2. #2
    Veteran DjRex's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2004


    Idk same here..... Ya gotta deal w/ it I guess.

  3. #3

  4. #4
    Veteran DjRex's Avatar
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    Aug 2004


    Connection Interuption

  5. #5
    Average user. slashbomb's Avatar
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    Somewhere in the World


    Ur ping probably went too high. Remember on the directions where it says to switch acts after your 2nd char can join a game to reduce lag.

    6) Now, back in the laggy game, you need to very slowly walk to act 5, and then quickly move back to act 1 and drop everything that you want to dupe. Leave the game without temp-perming and bring your mule. (The walking helps prevent you from dropping out of the game)
    Last edited by slashbomb; 12-29-2006 at 10:09 AM.

    I like to thank Frogman for making my awesome sig!

  6. #6


    is ther a tut on duping here?

  7. #7


    *g* but the problem is that i get c/i before i can i join a 2en game and mosttimes it comes before ping is high (like 2k) or so =)

  8. #8


    Huh I'd say you overdo it,once it starts to really lag and invisible map starts, lower the frequency of your right clicks with the necromancer; right click,wait 1 second,right click,wait a second- like this.

    Holding right click when it lags like hell can c/i you.

  9. #9


    like eden says, you cannot over cast your bonewall or meteor. It will almost every time lag you out of the game. With the servers being as laggy as they are, you have to click and fill the map. Not spam and hold the button down.

  10. #10
    Veteran DjRex's Avatar
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    Aug 2004


    How long after your Fps goes dwn 2 like 1 or 2 should you be able to enter the 2nd game?

  11. #11


    Um, whod you hear about your fps going down, you should enter a new game? thats not what its based on at all. FPS is just good your graphics card and ram are.

    You have to wait until the game is desynched, i don't understand how you guys are having so much trouble with this. It says everything you need to know. Just be patient, so what if the invisible wall is over you. just wait another 3-5 minutes until you enter a new game.

  12. #12
    Veteran DjRex's Avatar
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    Aug 2004


    So really it has absolutly nothing at all to do w/ ping or Fps. But I do have 1 more quest. Should I be trying to make a new game w/ the char I wanna dupe, or join an existing 1 w/ the mule already in it? Thanks for answering Donkulous!

  13. #13


    i have the same problem, yesterday morning i dupe without problems.

    yesterday night, and this morning i failed about 11-12 times O_O , the game lag like hell, fps about 0-1, but the game doesn't desynced, all times i had join failed, if i try to make a new game, or i try to enter in a public game, is the same, always join bug. After 30+min i had C/I , or near 1hour that the game lag without desync i manually stop and close the game -_-

    any news? dupe lag method still work? im on europe realm...

    im me again, i tried other 5times, but all times the game doesnt desynced and\or i had join bug, the game still lag like hell, bonewalls+chars are invisible etc... but i can't join game with #2

    its patched? (im trying on europe realm)
    any other comments?
    Last edited by Aperol; 12-30-2006 at 10:53 PM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost

  14. #14
    Veteran Jakex1's Avatar
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    New York


    well fps is effected by how good your graphics card + ram is but with enough lag in the game, the fps will drop regardless

  15. #15


    @Jakex1: normally i start in a new game with about 180+ fps , when i start to make lag fps will drop untill to 0-1 (when i saw 0-1fps the game really lag like hell) but it still not desynced....

    i don't know why, but its about 15-18 consecutive times failed from yesterday night....

  16. #16


    same here ... i have to wait for SO long i cover the WHOLE screen with invisible walls lol

    while trying to enter games with #2 necro..

    all ftj till i get c/i on #1

    2 days now on east

    i did that dupe thing around 30 times in a ROW w/o anyproblems and now i get this all the time

    (btw i make sure to get no lag games b4 i start)


    1- patched
    2- still too mutch lag comming out at some points cause servers are too stressed?


  17. #17
    Veteran DjRex's Avatar
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    Aug 2004


    Well my friend did it just last ngt but I haven't been able 2 so it's not patched. I have gotten into the other game and the laggy game dropped. That was on thurs ngt.

  18. #18


    its not patched yet, today i duped 3times after 20+ times failed....its crazy O_O

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