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Thread: Legalize it?

  1. #61
    Lets burn Hot Topic Down! Metalhead Steve's Avatar
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    Ok Kyle, I would appreciate you having a rebuttle before you call me ignorant. I was saying what I think and making a point. I see you have done absolutely nothing with your post therefore you are doing nothing for the thread. I will kindly ask you to either stop reading and making lazy posts or to make a contribution. Thank you.

    Quote Originally Posted by Pamela
    If we are going to morph this into driving,I live in Florida with a lot of old people(70+) that are on medication and forgot HOW to drive.I don't want to get on the roads AT ALL!
    The part of Florida with a giant retired community I am guessing. That made me laugh so hard lawls.

    It really is to bad noone can come out with an unbiased study on the subject though. One of the reasons it won't be legalized in our current state is that the government and the lawmakers don't really know what it does to you.
    Give us this day our daily bread, your legacy we'll not forget. Lick the wounds and cleanse the land, the modern world rejects your hand... Sinister rouge coming back for more to even the score! --- Bad Religion

  2. #62
    ***** Elder Ragnarhox's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pamela View Post
    Oh dear GOD not another long video............ugh...ok I will watch.
    Did you actually watch that video? lol

    No compassion- like having a straight faced orgasm.

  3. #63


    I just deleted a huge type up. I am pro-legalization. I would explain why, but a website such as Norml would word it much, much better than I.

    The moral of my view is that people are going to snort, smoke, inject, and eat whatever they want. I, personally, do not base my substance intakes in the laws that control them. I see them as bullshit.

    What I put into my body is NONE of your business. Me smoking *** in my house is no more directly damaging to YOU than your Neighbor pounding Natty Lites after work.

    On the driving high thing, I would personally rather ride with someone who's just gotten high for the first time after vaporizing every gram of *** on the face of the earth before someone who's even finished four beers.
    Last edited by xDBD; 04-26-2007 at 08:42 AM.

  4. #64


    Quote Originally Posted by Ragnarhox View Post
    1. Then alcohol should be illegal too. Along with smoking and cell phones while driving anywhere.

    2. Any addiction to *** is psychological and not physical such as alcohol or cigarettes.

    3. Having a house filled it *** fumes would be bad for you? If your to ****ing stupid to open a window so you don't die then maybe you don't deserve to live. As if a house filled with tobacco smoke is good for people.

    4. There has only been one account where overdose on ********* was considered as a cause of death. It is nearly impossible to overdose on *********.

    5. People already smoke *** in America. With it's legalization you would not see much of an increase of people smoking ***** because it would just be the same people that smoke now. Although it would free up jails for actual criminals.
    1) i completely agree with you about alcohol but it will enver be illegalized it was tried and it failed, america is to addicted tot he stuff. thats the same thing i do not want to happen to america if *** is legalized.

    2) when smokeing *** you do get that stupid. people would leave windows closed. you dont realize what *** can do to you. you forget, you lose your sence of reasoning while high, and it does make you get experimental with how high you can get so people would be constantly be leaving windows and doors closed.

    3) your second point proves my opinion. people do get addicted to the stuff and it can be just as bad as ciggarettes. my friend had to stop cause of legal crap and it was a rough time for him cause he smoked almost everyday

    4) you really think that if *** was leaglized more people wouldnt smoke? thats the dumbest ish i ever read. you legalize something and so many people are going to try it, and stick with it because it wont be wrong for them to do it anymore. even if you state a legal age people are still going to do it(younger people) cause its something rebellious against their parents.

    flea i dont see how science has proven me wrong please post a link that refutes me

  5. #65


    most people smoke **** because theres a fact of getting caught and that makes it all worth more to smoke it. unless ur a chronic smoker then u just have problems

  6. #66
    ***** Elder Ragnarhox's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Beholder99 View Post
    1) i completely agree with you about alcohol but it will enver be illegalized it was tried and it failed, america is to addicted tot he stuff. thats the same thing i do not want to happen to america if *** is legalized.

    2) when smokeing *** you do get that stupid. people would leave windows closed. you dont realize what *** can do to you. you forget, you lose your sence of reasoning while high, and it does make you get experimental with how high you can get so people would be constantly be leaving windows and doors closed.

    3) your second point proves my opinion. he stuff and it can be just as bad as ciggarettes. my friend had to stop cause of legal crap and it was a rough time for him cause he smoked almost everyday

    4) you really think that if *** was leaglized more people wouldnt smoke? thats the dumbest ish i ever read. you legalize something and so many people are going to try it, and stick with it because it wont be wrong for them to do it anymore. even if you state a legal age people are still going to do it(younger people) cause its something rebellious against their parents.

    flea i dont see how science has proven me wrong please post a link that refutes me
    For your point 2...I'm not even sure what your trying to say...I do realize what *** can do to me, because I've been high before and you do not lose your sense of right and wrong. Does not matter if the doors windows of your house of closed or not. You will not suffocate your self in a house with with closed windows & doors.

    As of point 3, that proves your OPINION. The addiction is the same as you could be addicted to chocolate.

    For point 4. Although more people would smoke *** it would not be a significant number. It would mainly be the same people that do it now. Maybe more people would try it but that does not mean more people would become common smokers.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mushroomhead18nc View Post
    most people smoke **** because thaught and that makes it all worth more to smoke it. unless ur a chronic smoker then u just have problems
    I do not think most people smoke **** because it is illegal and that makes it better. That just seems stupid.
    Last edited by Ragnarhox; 04-26-2007 at 01:26 PM.

    No compassion- like having a straight faced orgasm.

  7. #67
    FeArMyPoWeR DeStRuCtIoN's Avatar
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    well let's face it. most kids nowadays only smoke *** to 'be cool' and to look like a rebel to all their easily impressed classmates. Now say if we legalized ***. they would no longer look cool will they? Therefore they would have to move a step down and start using speed or other far more dangerous drugs 'just to be the new wave'. Don't legalize it so that our kids won't have to go one worse. Having it illegal means that there is at least some protection from the real demons

  8. #68


    for point 2 i was saying that people like to try to find ways of getting higher quicker and longer. so peoplewill do all sorts of things to find a better way.

    i think there will be a significant rise in *** smokers. for the same reason as peoplw ho started cigarettes years ago back in the 60's. no body knew the long term effects of smokeing. it was until now that evidence and proof has come about that shows how dangerous cigs can be. so i feel that it would take another few years till we found the repricutions of smokeing ***.

  9. #69


    I think it's funny as hell now over here, When people can't get money for drugs they set fire to wheely bins (plastic trash bins) because of the solvent fumes. lmfao.

  10. #70
    Tech Elder The Mob's Avatar
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    what can i say? when your desperate for that high, you will do anything for it
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  11. #71
    Fast and Loose hellsing293's Avatar
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    My cousin who's a stone explained his opinion to me.

    When people drink, they get behind the wheel and kill people.
    When people some ***, they sit on their couch eating cheese doodles vegged out.

    What's worse?
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  12. #72
    Tech Elder The Mob's Avatar
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    cheese doodles..
    both of them could be good if it does not involve driving. you can drunk off your ass at home, and that would be perfectly safe.
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  13. #73
    ***** Elder Shift's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Mob View Post
    cheese doodles..
    both of them could be good if it does not involve driving. you can drunk off your ass at home, and that would be perfectly safe.
    except for the fact when you are wasted you forget what the **** your doing and randomly drive a car. at least when your high you have a little self control.

  14. #74
    Tech Elder The Mob's Avatar
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    heh.. well if your drunk of your ass, and randomly decide to drive a car.. god save you.
    the one good thing about cannabis is that the effects are felt immediately. you dont have time to get into a car and kill someone. with drinking however, the effects often arent felt until after the first or second drink. and thats usually an hour after the first drink. that gives people time to leave the bar, go home, and possibly hit someone.
    US East L/NL-arowws4 arowws5 uber/organ runs for free. Free items too. Just ask. Must be member of this site.

  15. #75
    A Noob in your Darkness Pamela's Avatar
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    I drink all the time *mmmmBudlight* But I do not drive after drinking.In the past even in a bar I passed the keys or called a cab.

    What it boils down to is do not be retarded.The only thing that bugs me about *** not being legal is so many lowlifes making money off of people.

    If legal you could just grow it.
    Just a reminder I smoke nothing.

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  16. #76
    The Immortals Dan's Avatar
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    to the guy who said we should make driving with a cell phone illegal, already done in minnesota. At least it's illegal for anyone under 18 (maybe 21) to use a cell phone while driving. They are pushing for all ages though.

  17. #77


    It's illegal to drive while on a cellphone over here.
    Plus, In my opinion you shouldn't be allowed to do anything whilst driving. Eating, drinking smoking whatever, it could cause loss of life.

  18. #78
    A Noob in your Darkness Pamela's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aemaeth View Post
    It's illegal to drive while on a cellphone over here.
    Plus, In my opinion you shouldn't be allowed to do anything whilst driving. Eating, drinking smoking whatever, it could cause loss of life.
    Dude are right.I have seen people eating and ...PUTTING ON MAKE-UP while driving and caused accidents.Think about it,a guy with hot coffee between his legs and a doughnut in his hand,a cell phone in his ear,and driving with his afraid...very afraid...I have actually SEEN this ....more than once....and the resulting crash. He got burns on *Big Jim and the twins* Not to mention sent someone to the hospital...

    A Light in your Darkness...always there...and burning...

  19. #79


    my cousin once saw a guy lifting weights in his car and i almost freaked out

  20. #80
    ***** Elder Ragnarhox's Avatar
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    No kids either...they are a huge distraction. They should be kept in a second compartment; trunk maybe? I got hit buy a mini van while grandma was looking backwards at her grand children. Hit me going 50(no braking) and totaled my car completely. Long story short...My fault that she was paying no attention, my insurance is twice what it used to be and I can't afford it. -.-
    Last edited by Ragnarhox; 05-04-2007 at 03:51 AM.

    No compassion- like having a straight faced orgasm.

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