View Poll Results: Would you player on Multiplayer (realms) if you couldn't mule or transfer?

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  • Yes

    4 40.00%
  • No

    3 30.00%
  • I would get a trusted friend and go through Trade Dialog Box.

    3 30.00%
Results 1 to 14 of 14
  1. #1

    Default Would you play Multiplayer (realms) if you couldn't mule?

    I'm pretty sure Blizzard could figure out a way to stop muling if they wanted to by preventing different characters with the same IP to join the same game. Or different accounts with the same IP to join the same game.

    I would have stuck with single player if I could mule, but all my good stuff is on my Realm's guy.

  2. #2


    you would just ask a friend to help xfer. dumb thread.

    i just make this sig recently to teach people not to play with fire.

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by John View Post
    you would just ask a friend to help xfer. dumb thread.

    Dumb post. There is an option for that in the poll.

  4. #4


    since when did they care if people muled. its just storing items and making room. absolutely pointless thread. closed.

    i just make this sig recently to teach people not to play with fire.

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by John View Post
    since when did they care if people muled. its just storing items and making room. absolutely pointless thread. closed.
    You're an absolute dumbass.

    Check the
    Blizzard's FAQ on Arreat Summit.

    What is Blizzard's policy on transferring items between characters or "muling"?
    The transferring of items between Diablo II characters is not supported by Blizzard. Users should be warned that attempts to transfer items between characters online are risky and Blizzard is not responsible for lost items. Storage space is limited in Diablo II both for performance and storage space issues and because the designers wanted players to make decisions as to which items to keep and which items must be thrown away or sold.
    Last edited by misterdumpling; 07-22-2007 at 05:03 AM.

  6. #6


    let me simplify this for you. you are obviously misunderstanding it.

    What is Blizzard's policy on transferring items between characters
    or "muling"?
    The transferring of items between Diablo II characters is not supported by Blizzard.

    not supported does not mean they are against it, it only says that there is no built in feature to safely transfer your items, i think guildwars has a transfer feature where you can

    Users should be warned that attempts to transfer items between characters online are risky and Blizzard is not responsible for lost items.

    games can close, people can take the items, they are just saying that you are responsible for your items, and dropping them in a game to xfer is always a risk. this lets people know that lost items to game crashes or stolen items is not their responsibility. they will never replace an item lost this way, although people still try and get their lost items returned. it always fails.

    Storage space is limited in Diablo II both for performance and storage space issues and because the designers wanted players to make decisions as to which items to keep and which items must be thrown away or sold.

    an attempt to maintain server space.

    now close this thread, its pointless

    i just make this sig recently to teach people not to play with fire.

  7. #7


    The poll would indicate that is the main reason they play on Realms, because they can mule and transfer. If they voted No.

    Regarding the poster above me, they "could" if that wanted to, hence my first post. The poll asks if you would play Realms without muling or transferring (other than getting a friend). It's hypothetical, do you not understand that?
    Last edited by misterdumpling; 07-22-2007 at 05:50 AM.

  8. #8


    Dumpling, I understand ur question. I would help with getting 10 year olds off forum but sadly I cant ( Sadly, mostly people on here are just 10 year olds without any time...) but anyway, the only reason he posted this poll is to determine if people would play the Multiplayer function on d2 if u could not mule. He's not asking if u would play if your friends would not help u xfer to a mule u moronic dumbasses. Please spend more time figuring out that you do not have common sense.

  9. #9


    This thread gets +10 cool points in my book.
    Very dumb = very entertaining.

    But to be on subject: Yes, I would still play.

  10. #10


    Quote Originally Posted by clayto209 View Post
    They won't ban you for it. Dumpling
    Did I say that?

    Quote Originally Posted by clayto209 View Post
    ... Dumpling, asking retarded questions is a wonderful way to try to get a higher post count.
    It is about not being able to mule, would you play. That is not retarded.

    The people with the highest post counts in this thread are morons and assholes...

    Quote Originally Posted by clayto209 View Post
    .You could have just asked, "If all you had in the house was napkins, would you still take a #2?" and someone would have disagreed with you about how using napkins would be stupid, and you could always ask a friend for toilet paper. But you would defend using napkins to wipe your ass it to the last breath. -- Hopefully a mod will come close this thread soon, because running out of toilet paper is something that might actually happen;
    Wiping your ass with napkins? What a dumb response. Your obviously mad at me for calling "John" a dumbass, so your using poo poo and pee pee jokes to insult me.

    Quote Originally Posted by clayto209 View Post
    do you not understand that?
    Repeating the same thing I said to "John".

    I no longer care about this poll as I see the type of people that are voting on it, idiots.

  11. #11


    if you need some, i have some spare napkins. on a side note, this thread is as pointless as it ever was. mr dumpling is obviously just trying to raise his post count while being an attention whore and trying to draw attention to himself.
    The people with the highest post counts in this thread are morons and assholes...
    jealous of my post count, eh?
    I no longer care about this poll as I see the type of people that are voting on it, idiots.
    why do you lie. you are obviously just sitting at your computer desk waiting for the next response. i know your type.
    It is about not being able to mule, would you play
    why make a hypothetical question about something so dumb? because you are an attention whore. its a hypothetical question about something that will never happen because blizzard doesn't give a flying ****. they don't care if we xfer, nor if we get a friend to help xfer, its just not an important aspect of the game. you go on thinking blizzard is against transfering items, and we will go on knowing how retarded you are.

    i just make this sig recently to teach people not to play with fire.

  12. #12


    Trying to get the last word?

    Quote Originally Posted by John View Post
    why make a hypothetical question about something so dumb? because you are an attention whore. its a hypothetical question about something that will never happen because blizzard doesn't give a flying ****. they don't care if we xfer, nor if we get a friend to help xfer, its just not an important aspect of the game. you go on thinking blizzard is against transfering items, and we will go on knowing how retarded you are.
    This has already been addressed. Now your just flaming and trying "to get back at me".

    I'm done with this thread and will no longer read further posts, flame on.

    By the way, you're still a dumbass.

  13. #13
    You would kill for this, just a little bit Tap's Avatar
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    Guess what?

    Next person that strays from this topic will be warned.

    And nobody else comment on weither or not this topic has any signifigance.

    I got his question, its simple why cant the rest of you grasp it?
    You said so much without ever parting your lips.

  14. #14
    A Noob in your Darkness Pamela's Avatar
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    Default That is enough.

    Muling is a good option in any game,period,anyone that has played and had to store gear knows this. I think all questions have been answered and this has turned into flame....guess what? If Mom has to come to this section normally people leave unhappy.

    @ALL of you...*glares* knock the 2 year old fighting the hell thread such as this perfect example of a thread drinking toxic waste and mutating horribly ,That I find....everyone in it will be warned.


    A Light in your Darkness...always there...and burning...

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