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So, the wack job that is Iran's president visited the US today with a more than chilly reception.
Also, breaking news: Iran does NOT have homosexuals.
Your thoughts and opinions.
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So, the wack job that is Iran's president visited the US today with a more than chilly reception.
Also, breaking news: Iran does NOT have homosexuals.
Your thoughts and opinions.
We should have assassinated him...not that it would have started a war or any thing :P
Well he could have myseteriously developed some sort of hyper aggressive cancer thats predominent in middle eastern men on his trip here. I mean that wouldn't be to far out of the realm of normal would it? And then all the right wing wack job church leaders could have had a field day claiming the vengance of God or some such nonsense.
Seems all perfectly plausible and great to me.
(Not that he wouldn't be quickly replaced by some other wackier figure head puppet of the Ayatolla's.)
he doesn't believe the holocaust happened.
He never said the holocaust didn't happen but rather he wanted to research it more. But in all honesty alot of what he said is true. We do go around the globe trying to impose our culture on others. We do get involved in affairs that have nothing to do with us. Think about it. How many wars have we been in that we would have had direct consequences had we not intervened? Vietnam... What for? Desert storm... why did we waste our time? This current war..... pure foolishness.
How hypocritical is it for us to monitor and limit the fabrication of nuclear weapons when we are the only country to ever actually use them in warfare. Its ludicrous. I'm not saying that some nations wouldn't use them with ill intent and maybe even against us. But if we minded our own business we wouldn't even have to worry about it.
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Hollocaust - He's wishy washy. At times he takes a hard line say it never happened stance and other times he takes the "I'm gona investigate it more" stance.
Vietnam - Attempt to stop the spread of Communism. It was a legitimate cause in the 50's even if it was a complete military disaster. Which it was.
Desert Storm - Oil.
Current War - Oil
Nuclear weapons - Learn from your mistakes and teach others how not to make them. No reason to let everyone screw up once is there?
Vietnam was more for the protection of Korea but we really didn't acheive anything other than letting thousands die in vain. And on the nuclear weapons thing. I'm not saying that we should let everyone have them, but rather make it an international effort. The approach we are taking is going to do nothing but pull us into another war.
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i would have to agree with bigdeath
he did point out alot of america's flaws.
and what he says is true.. america has done more evil in the world than iran.
his rhetoric may be crazy and all, but our actions speak louder
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Exactly. If we could just learn to not meddle in others affairs I don't think we would be hated so much. I mean look at Canada. They are a powerful nation, but you don't see their flag being burned in the streets on TV. I guess their government uses common sense.
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Though I do not agree with all your views BigDeath, you have made a good argument. I disagree about Vietnam, I lost a brother over there and hate to this day that anybody thinks it was for nothing. We could have done it better.
I am only really that George W. hasn't already gone into Iran. I mean we started out in Afghanistan, missed Osama (which was one reason why we were there), Moved into Iraq, and still neither region is stable and both will probably collapse when our prescence is gone. So Iran?? Why not add it to the list of stuff we start and never finish.
Isn't George & **** and there families and friends rich enough from this administration?
I think they let Bin Laden go on purpose. I mean what better way to be able to do what you want without impunity. He can just play that card every time someone questions him. Maybe he will find him right around election time so that he will sway people to vote the way he wants.... Who knows.
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they were in fact hours from catching bin laden. however, they could not accomplish that b/c they were teamed up with the afgans and they did not trust each other.
US East L/NL-arowws4 arowws5 uber/organ runs for free. Free items too. Just ask. Must be member of this site.
Huh? Elaborate.
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That ideaology would only works to a point. Eventually somebody has to step up and bash the other person over the head, sometimes repeatedly, and tell them that what they are doing is stupid. If no ones does then everyone else suffers the consequence. You act and suffer those consequence or you don't act and suffer those. Its loose/loose.
Canada - They don't take a stance on anything anyways. If you don't express an opinion whats there to be against? Which also reminds me to go puruse Canadian news sites for responses to Ahmadinanut's 70 odd page manifesto on the human rights violations of Canada he provided to members of the UN.
Mob - There have been countless chances to take out or capture Bin Laden in the last 10-15 years and all have been pissed away. Hell, Clinton had one of the best chances in history and blew it like Monica Lewinsky.
Last edited by Obfuscate; 09-27-2007 at 08:08 AM.
It's true that you have to make people associate repercussions with actions that they have or will commit that do not favor mankind. But you when you react like we did its hard to convince them it's for the "greater good". Imagine you lived in Iraq and an American bomb killed your family in an attempt to kill "terrorist". If I headed a militia that was anti-American it would be easy to get you to fight for me with great conviction. For every 1 you kill there's 5 more that are willing to fight to the death for their fallen comrade. Its like trying to kill a whole ant colony with a magnifying glass.
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Not everyone is gona like what you do, this thread is case and point. But to stop doing what your doing because of that is worse than not doing anything in the first place.
If there is one thing anyone in America should be able to admire about George Bush its that he has not ONCE waviered in his conviction of bringing Democracy to the middle east or fighting terrorists. To this very day the Democrats can't decide if their pro-war or anti-war and flip flop worse than a fish on dry land.
Hitler had a strong conviction that never waivered but do you admire him?
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For good reason though. Is it not true? I mean Bush is something of a tyrant. It may not seem such from what we are fed through the news today but he does alot of evil things.
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