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  1. #1

    Default Crushing Blow Smite Zealot?

    So, I was looking at building another Paladin for PVM and was thinking something like this.

    Combat Skills
    1 Sacrifice
    20 Zeal

    1 Holy Bolt
    1 Blessed Hammer
    20 Smite

    1 Charge
    20 Holy Shield

    Offensive Auras
    1 Might
    20 Blessed Aim
    1 Concentration
    20 Fanaticism

    Defensive Auras
    3 Defiance
    1 Salvation
    110 Total

    Helm: Guillaume's Face
    Armor: Guardian Angel or Fortitude
    Weapon: Heaven’s Light(maybe for a while) or black for cheapness then Grief
    Shield: Exile
    Boots: GoreRider
    Gloves: Dracul's
    Rings: Unsure.. SoJ most likely
    Amulet: Mahim Oak Curio

    Crushing Blow:
    Heaven’s Light + Gore Rider + Guillaume's Face = 33 + 15 + 33 = 81%
    Black + Gore Rider + Guillaume's Face = 40 + 15 + 33 = 88%
    Gore Rider + Guillaume's Face = 15 + 33 = 48% but +400 damage from Grief to mitigate
    Life Tap:
    Exile + Dracul’s = 15 + 5 = 20%

    Kind of a poor man's build, but hey ya work with what you have.
    So how bad is it? Feel free to tear it up.

    Just need to know if it has enough merit to pursue.


  2. #2


    im sorry to say that this build is a bad idea and you just built a smiter with additional pts but inside other stuff so just call it a smiter and we'll leave it as that

  3. #3
    The Immortals FraterPerdurabo's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2005


    Heaven's Light for Zeal -> you won't be able to kill anything. If you're low budget, stick to Smite. Zealots are like the most gear dependant builds out there.

  4. #4


    Yeah, I came to the same conclusion after thinking about it some more. I was thinking I was going to be able to depend on Crushing Blow to do most of the killing for me as long as I could hit but I think it'll probably be a waste at this point.

    Deleted the character and am going back to straight Smiter till I have the gear for a good Zealot.

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